Celebrity Deaths

Rumors swirl as LA officials call Nipsey Hussle’s murder an “assassination”; Former O.J. Simpson DA Chris Darden Representing Killer

Rumors are swirling that Los Angeles police officials knew rapper Nipsey Hussle would be assassinated a day before they planned to meet with him to discuss gang violence in the inner city.

Director Mimi Hendrix posted a collage of clips from her documentary film on Nipsey who worked to revitalize the low income neighborhood in the Crenshaw district.

In the video clip, Steve Soboroff, President of the Los Angeles Police Commission, is heard confirming that Police Chief Michel Moore called him 15 minutes after Nipsey was gunned down on Sunday, March 15.

Soboroff said he received a call from Chief Moore who informed him that the 33-year-old rapper had just been “assassinated”.

The use of the word “assassinated” by a top law enforcement official – who surely knows the definition of the word – is troublesome to Nipsey’s fans.

The word “assassinated” is typically associated with the ambush-style murder of an important figure – such as a president – for political reasons.

It’s rare that top police officials would describe the murder of a rapper as an assassination, unless they knew Nipsey was killed for political reasons.

At the time he spoke with the police chief – 15 minutes after Nipsey was shot – neither man could have known the identity of the killer.

Another troublesome factor is high-profile attorney Chris Darden represents the killer, Eric Holder. Darden is the former LA District Attorney who unsuccessfully tried the O.J. Simpson murder case.

Nipsey’s fans are wondering who is paying for Darden’s very hefty legal bills.

Looking back at the surveillance video of Nipsey’s murder, it’s clear that the killer wanted to make sure the rapper was dead. It was overkill.

Exactly what you would expect to see in a murder-for-hire hit.

54 thoughts on “Rumors swirl as LA officials call Nipsey Hussle’s murder an “assassination”; Former O.J. Simpson DA Chris Darden Representing Killer”

  1. He was high profile in the city… He was an important figure in his community.
    It was a sneak attack and he was killed mercilessly… the killer made sure he was dead before leaving.

    No more conspiracy theories needed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m not into the theories and all that but something keeps nagging at me. I keep wondering if his newly released friend asked him to go get him some gear or if Nipsey volunteered to get him some gear. The setup was somewhere. They need to follow the trail.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The real conspiracy is the culture that breeds these emotionally disturbed men who glorify everything that’s wrong in life and can’t solve their problems without a gun. It’s easier to play semantics and blame others as if some allusive boogie man is out there holding black men down and forcing them to kill each other…SMH.


  4. GTFOH Darden? the killer got Chris Darden money? He pleads not guilty when there’s a video showing the killing. Smdh


    1. Darden is not clout chasing. Somebody paid for him just like someone paid shitty cuz to kill Nipsey. Bottom line black against black.


      1. The LAPD has cops that are gang affiliated. They have their ears to the streets. This isn’t new. This has been going on for decades.


    1. This is getting crazier and crazier by the moment. Why would he represent a street thug? This story is sounding fishier than a hookers puscee. Something is NOT right here. They are definitely correct when they said it was overkill. but who ordered the hit and why? I’m starting to think this is bigger than calling someone a snitch.


  5. Ok everyone thinks it was a hit what would be the reason behind the hit? I personally Just think it was a jealous person.


  6. Oh boy. The crazy conspiracy theories were kinda dying down after they picked up ol’ Eric. This “assassination” stuff is just going to start them all up again.

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    1. Great leaders are typically assassinated, MLK, Malcolm X, JFK,….. Nipsey was definitely making some power moves. There are too many ppl/agencies/governments that benefit from violence. Nipsey was trying to stop the violence, so of course, some powerful entities did not like that idea. Google Michael Ruppert. He was a former LAPD officer who had evidence that the CIA flooded the black community with drugs during the crack epidemic. He somehow killed himself by two gunshots to the head. How does one shoot themselves twice in the head?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Eric probably took a life for nothing more than a buffet of drugs (all you can eat) and new Gucci sneakers for a couple of family members


      2. @point
        You’re right. It probably didn’t take much to hire him for the kill. It’s sad but true


    2. This man was assassinated and for me that means one of 2 things, someone didn’t like they way he was bettering his community or they were just down right jealous.


  7. The Government stood against Jesus Christ for tryin to pray and save people…and ppl still think its all bs!!! Yea ok they killed Abraham Lincoln one of their very own for freeing slaves and thats why he exist on a copper brown penny today! That was there final insult to him and his legacy for trying to save black ppl! Thats why its best to move in silence to protect the black race just like how Harriet Tubman freed thousands of slaves without being noticed until the mission was completed!


  8. At first I thought this informant thing was a stretch. But let’s think about this. How is Eric holder alive still? Why was he arrested so fast ? Then placed in a solitary confinement? Why they care so much about a gang member and murder? Unless they have something to do with it also. How this street thug even think to go to a mental hospital? This is a set up. By people not wanting to see change in the black community, now the question is who?


  9. Well Nipsey was more than jus a gang member… police new him & respected him as well… he showed alot of love to ppl… jealousy is no joke


    1. he’s going to try. but he shot him several times. video looks like he knew exactly what he was doing.


  10. Listen, it’s not hard to believe he was set up (conspiracy). It’s also not hard to believe there was no set up, and the guy was just jealous and ego trippin (no conspiracy).

    Either are possible and equally plausible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure about all the conspiracy theories (Dr. Sebi/government).

      However, i do believe someone within his circle set him up. I read that he only came to his clothing store about twice a month. If he left on a whim and didn’t tell his bodyguards, how did this guy know he was there at that precise time?!?!


  11. I too think someone had Nipsey murdered. Despite the fact that the killer has been apprehended, I still feel there is more to this. Even more so after reading Nipsey’s brother statements that the dude came up and shook Nip’s hand and told him he was a rapper and such. I haven’t heard anything more about Nipsey supposedly calling him a snitch. If the snitch part of the story line isn’t true, then what was the motive for killing him? It’s clear this boy wanted to ensure he was dead, so this wasn’t a crime of passion.

    I also feel some type of way that the boys name is Eric Holder. That seems like a political trick or taunting.

    Also, I read that the boy that killed Nipsey was from the hood, but disappeared for awhile. Where has he been in all this time?

    There’s more to this story and I’m certain pretty soon he will come up dead in his jail cell and they will say he committed suicide.


  12. There is a reason this OJ attorney is representing this boy. Someone is ensuring he doesn’t tell the wrong person the wrong thing. This Chris guy used to be a prosecutor, he’s tied in with all the key players. Whatever Eric Holder has to say about why he did this, Chris will be the one he’s telling.

    This entire situation is just weird.

    Bottom line is, nobody gets murdered for nothing. It’s not this easy to just die. By all accounts this was a unprovoked attacked. I’m not saying it’s a Dr. Sebi issue, but there is a reason for this.


    1. He was killed in over kill. Dude made sure he was dead. and make it so bad they were waiting for the day Nip would be alone or off his game and last Sunday was the day. I do believe he was setup though


  13. They assassinate black leaders who are a threat to the system consistently. No doubt about it: Nipsey was a influential black leader. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are some truth to the rumors.


  14. I have not read through the comments so I need some quick clarification.
    Why in the name of a white bronco is Chris Darden representing this murderer and undoubtedly doing it for free?

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  15. just saw this on YT. ironic that Nipsey was able to establish dialogue and agreement to work together with a rival gang leader, yet was gunned down by ‘one of his own’ (albeit from a different “set” as i’ve learned this week)…this really is an all around senseless tragedy smh.



  16. Gangs are notorious and dangerous and are not to be taking lightly! Nipsy stated if he gets killed folk better RIDE FOR HIM! Chris Darden better have round the clock security before he get his boots smoked!


  17. Folks quick to “rush to judgement” before knowing all the facts. First it was ‘gang related’ then it was a just confrontational, now it an “assassination”. The only person who knows the reason and or the motive why Hussle was kilt is his killa. As for an assassination, the only thing they trynna assassinate is Hussle’s character, like he was still affiliated in some kinna gang activity. One thing I dew know is that nobody deserved tew be kilt and die in the manner in which Hussle did. It was evil, demonic and quite disturbing.


    1. He was assassinated. It was a hit by the LAPD. He had a meeting scheduled with them to discuss gang violence and finding solutions. The person who executed the hit was a known police snitch and hadn’t been seen in years. This was a hit. He and his crew were cleaning up the streets uniting folks and the dirty cops were mad. He was also buying property in a hood they wanna gentrify. It’s deeper than that. And why would a common thug be “privately retained” by Darden.

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      1. Exactly.
        Envy met envy and somebody envied what Nip was doing. I can’t wait until the trial. Dying to see/hear how Darden is gonna spin it. especially since his client pleaded not guilty. where the other dudes that were shot? they’re technically witnesses to what happened.


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