Bobbi Kristina, Bobby Brown, Celebrity Kids, Celebrity Seed, Nick Gordon, Whitney Houston

Bobbi Kristina’s Family Set to Pull Plug On Anniversary of Whitney’s Death?


It is rumored throughout social media and the internet that, Bobbi Kristina Brown’s family will pull the plug on Feb. 11 — the 3rd anniversary of her mother Whitney Houston’s tragic death by drowning. Bobbi was found face down and unresponsive (no heart beat, not breathing) in a bathtub at her Roswell home 2 weeks ago.

Bobbi was transferred to Emory hospital after neurologists at North Fulton Hospital told singer Bobby Brown that his daughter was brain dead and there was nothing else that could be done for her.

Page Six reports that family matriarch Cissy Houston, Whitney’s mother, made the decision to take Bobbi off the ventilator at the stroke of midnight on Feb. 11, to “bond mother and daughter for eternity.”

In addition to taking her off the ventilator, all medications (including IV sedatives) and intravenous nutritional support would also be stopped.

But whether this is true or not is purely speculation until Cissy or Bobby Brown confirms the rumors. Personally, I find it very hard to believe. It sounds too theatrical to be true.

“This is the only thing they can agree on — that she’s gone [brain-dead], and there’s nothing more than can be done for her,” a source told the NY Post’s Page Six.

Meanwhile, police are investigating the history of domestic violence between Bobbi and her longtime boyfriend Nick Gordon that may have directly led to Bobbi’s death.

67 thoughts on “Bobbi Kristina’s Family Set to Pull Plug On Anniversary of Whitney’s Death?”

    1. Poor baby. I bet her body is just a shell right now
      Your body is automatically a shell when the spirit/soul leaves 😦


    1. I know she will find peace back in her mothers arms
      she gotta go through “the father” b4 she can get to her mother.


  1. This chile had way too much freedom and I bet all sides from bobby, cissy, and even nick have lawyers. nick’s going to pull that we were married in mexico bs. BK has referred to this man as her husband in every post she made on IG. she only has pics of this man, none of her siblings…not one, and a few with her twin/dad.


    1. As long as she is on a ventilator, Bobbi Kristina’s body can live on for years.

      That is not living. pulling the plug on the same day wouldn’t be a bad thing. That way the family can mourn both on one day.


      1. As long as she is on a ventilator, Bobbi Kristina’s body can live on for years.

        Living is NOT being hooked up to a machine. That’s not living that’s being kept alive O_o


      2. As long as she is on a ventilator, Bobbi Kristina’s body can live on for years.

        Living is NOT being hooked up to a machine. That’s not living that’s being kept alive O_o


      3. Living is NOT being hooked up to a machine. That’s not living that’s being kept alive



      4. Bobbi Kristina’s body can live on for years.
        I wouldn’t want this for myself or any family member. That drags out the process in so many ways not to mention that shyt is expensive 😦


  2. It’s a rumor, Cissy can’t pull the plug unless she has POA, otherwise it falls on Bobby or Nick, if he can prove they are legally married.

    Still so sad to me 😥


  3. This poor chile didn’t have a chance. she surrounded herself by destructive people/behavior prolly to be rebellious. Whitney and Bobby fucked this gurl up. And clearly you can look at her and tell she was getting high for those saying otherwise is bullshit….sorry but I gots ta tell the truth.


  4. I bet cissy be thinking how the hell all this happen wit whitney sometime. U gotta wonder how she feel and if she blame herself bc she raised whitney in a religious upbringing


    1. if she blame herself bc she raised whitney in a religious upbringing
      Why would she blame herself because she raised Whitney religiously? What was so wrong with that? How is it Cissy’s fault if Whitney strayed from the way she was raised? The money dictated to Whitney and gave her more access to the devil and nothing could sway her otherwise. Sure Whitney showed a “form of Godliness but she denied the power thereof”

      Cissy did what was right and what was so wrong with that??


      1. she raised whitney in a religious upbringing
        Most of the gospel singers raised in such settings were THE WORST. It’s so restrictive that they flip out once they are exposed to things. They are too sheltered so they go crazy from the freedom of it all.


  5. Ok but people dont always die when the machines are turned down. So that dont really make sense. U cant schedule when her body will completely shut down.


  6. Make a nigga wonder if cissy had a drug problem herself. All 3 kids and the grandaughter on drugs?? Where it start from? Was it hereditary? Geeze


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