Beyonce, Can't sing, Grammy's, No talent

I Keep telling y’all Beyoncé has NO TALENT!!!


I don’t watch the “Grammy’s” anymore because gone are the days of the real talent and performers such as; Whitney Houston, Anita Baker, Natalie Cole, Tina Marie and Luther Vandross just to name a few. So I boycott the show.

But why am I not surprised that the internet is all abuzz over the fact that Beyoncé messed up her rendition of the gospel song “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” from the movie soundtrack “Selma”.

The song was originally performed with raw emotion by Ledisi but Beyonce’s Grammy performance and her opening notes fell flat as she tried and struggled with no effort based on her limited vocal range.

Most social media users agreed that Beyonce’s version failed in comparison to Ledisi’s excellent cover of Mahalia Jackson‘s “Precious Lord” in the movie ‘Selma’.

So why not just have Ledisi perform the song as recorded? Because the Grammy’s chose Beyoncé over Ledisi because Beyoncé is light skinned and fits the white standard view of black beauty.

Sad 😥 isn’t it?

63 thoughts on “I Keep telling y’all Beyoncé has NO TALENT!!!”

  1. Tracy you funny 😆 I wasn’t here for Gospel Bey anyway. I thought Ledisi should have been singing it from the get go :shrug:


    1. I phucks with Ledisi but she don’t have that rating power yet 😥

      And this very well could have given Ledisi more exposure to open up her fan base but…I guess there’s only room for one at the top bc Beyonce needs more exposure 😆


      1. I phucks with Ledisi but she don’t have that rating power yet 😥

        Power ratings my ass, she sung it on the soundtrack and should’ve sung it at the Grammy’s.


      2. phucks with Ledisi but she don’t have that rating power yet 😥

        Shoot her voice and talent is power rating enough!


  2. I’m just as baffled as everyone else. For the life of me I can’t understand why they didn’t let Ledisi sing that song and Beyonce sing her own songs. All I can say is politics and commercialism. That’s the only answer that makes sense. 😥




  4. I heard this fuckery on v-103. chile, the church folk called and said bey’s azz couldn’t sing it cause she ain’t ‘NOINTED! go back to surfboardin, boo!


  5. i think she tried to put some ‘yonce stank on it but it just wasn’t for her. O_o it wasn’t horrid but it was a #fail. there is no in-between on a song like that.


  6. They sick of Beyoncé singing her own damn songs. They over it now, but they wanted her there to draw views, so yeah let her sang that song. I know the gospel nation was in an outrage. You know they don’t play like that.


    1. We ARE talking about the Grammys, they’re shady as phuck and been that way
      Precisely why I didn’t watch that shyt …..Fuck the Grammys real talk 😡


      1. the Grammys, they’re shady as phuck and been that way

        Yep. THEY themselves (the Grammy folks) probably didn’t even know who Ledisi was.


  7. Although I would have looooooved to hear ledisi sing it, I agree with time that the grammy’s agreed to bey singing it cuz it would guarantee folks stayed til the end and viewers would tune in for bey rather than ledisi.


  8. “So why not just have Ledisi perform the song as recorded? Because the Grammy’s chose Beyoncé over Ledisi because Beyoncé is light skinned and fits the white standard view of black beauty.”

    Tracy, I don’t think it had anything to do with light-skinned v dark-skinned, and had EVERYTHING to do with ratings as far as the show’s producers were concerned. beyonce = more viewers = more sponsors = more money in everybody’s pockets.


  9. Beyonce is selfish as hell…which is why i don’t understand why a person like bey, who has virtually achieved it all in music, just can’t let somebody else shine though. politely say no, thanks, and let ledisi have her moment, damn!


  10. So why not just have Ledisi perform the song as recorded? Because the Grammy’s chose Beyoncé over Ledisi because Beyoncé is light skinned and fits the white standard view of black beauty.

    Sad 😥 isn’t it?
    Damn sure is/was a disgrace!!!


  11. I have no dog in this fight. LOL 😆 I didn’t watch NAN part of the Grammy’s. LMAO 😆 I don’t even know what channa it was on.


  12. Gospel legends all over the world was upset by that shit. You can’t be talkin bout riding dick n spittin cum in one breath and calling on Jesus to take ya hand in the next O_o


  13. boring performance…No lackluster..I think we would have been ok if she was half naked humping chairs and the floor LOL Maybe that’s what everybody was waiting on :haha:


  14. She sounded HAWRIBLE. Not narry note she sang made me want to kick off my shoes and run down the isles of the church, fall out, speak in tongues and make the uRshers throw the white sheet over me. Precious Lawd is supposed to make you wanna do all of these things.


  15. Y’all know what kinda pissed me off. Then new nigras Pharell and Beyonce wanting to do the hands up don’t shoot gesture. These are two individuals who haven’t SAID A WORD or ANYTHING about those events but want to use the Grammy’s to say something well after the fact. Esp Pharell’s coon ass. Fukk em both. I ain’t here for the fake black Solidarity moves. Don’t commercialize the movement, you water it down that way!


    1. LMMFAO 😆 Bey music being a classic is like saying…… Kayne is a true life singer. Apples and oranges can’t compare. That’s the difference with classic verse non classic


      1. Oh I get what ya’ll saying …. but respect it nah 🙂 when it’s a machine shoving this bytch down our throat 24/7….Ion think so O_o


      2. Civil,
        I agree. folks got the word CLASSIC fucked up. A classic is music that gets you into that space of thought and have you like ‘damn they was singing about some real shyt’. Something you can sing about 20/30 years from now and it still has relevance.

        Other than weddings and clubs, where else do you hear Beyoncé’s music? Do they attach that shyt to movements? Like the Greatest Love of all, kids was taught that song for their moving up ceremonies. Graduations! Heal the world was made for a huge humanitarian effort. Music like that. Don’t get me wrong Bey’s shyt is cool I love some of her songs but bitch ain’t makin no classic music.


      3. Other than weddings and clubs, where else do you hear Beyoncé’s music? Do they attach that shyt to movements? Like the Greatest Love of all, kids was taught that song for their moving up ceremonies. Graduations! Heal the world was made for a huge humanitarian effort. Music like that. Don’t get me wrong Bey’s shyt is cool I love some of her songs but bitch ain’t makin no classic music.
        LOL 😆 too true!!


  16. What bothers me about Beyonce is the fact that you say you’re about girl power blah blah blah and we should stick together but you don’t know when to bow out gracefully and say “she can sing this better, let her perform instead” she isn’t about to stand up for her fellow artist and that’s wack to me.


  17. So Trace in a nut shell you sayin, “the Grammy’s ain’t shit!”
    The Grammy’s use to be about bringin forth new artists like Alicia Keys. Not no mo!!


  18. I love Bey but I didn’t stay tuned to watch her either. I gave the Grammys a good 2 hours. And that was 1 hour 55 minutes too long. 🙂


  19. I love Beyonce but I would NEVER EVER want to hear her on Sunday in church. She wouldn’t move my spirit and take me to that place where I want to just give it all to the Lord.


    1. Her voice don’t reach me in the bones … where it brings tears … if that makes any sense people
      Of course it does she’s NOT ANNOINTED! Beyoncé is the world’s over rated version of success…She knows nothing about the things of the Spirit because she’s a goddess of this world.


      1. Her voice don’t reach me in the bones … where it brings tears … if that makes any sense people
        Mm hm it didn’t move ya. Hail it didn’t move the dead the bitch was so horrid


      2. Random.
        The people who can sing gospel, I mean really sing you get a feeling when they perform. THeir voice has something that raises your spirit and you can feel that. And I do think that those people are anointed. Like Jhud, Fantasia, Yolanda Adams, even Belly Lice etc… Those types of of folks. And the Beyoncé’s and Rihanna can’t sing these types a songs


  20. Ya can’t serve two masters then expect to sing a gospel song with spirit when ya serve the devil and lyrics that the world revel over. The devil is a LIE!!!


  21. LEDISI should have sung that SONG and that’s that.. Beyoncé is selfish for not giving Ledisi a moment.. LEDISI would have had the audience members passing the plate had she done it.. So LETS BE CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!!


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