Conversations Of A Sistah, Religion, Tracy L. Bell

What does “The Resurrection” mean to you? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


Resurrection Sunday 2014 was celebrated on April 20, 2014.

The Easter message begins with the hopeful news that death has been overcome by life, that hatred has been overcome by love, and that sorrow has been overcome by joy. Some cities in the US stage the passion of Jesus Christ through plays and holds Easter parades as well.

However, Easter Sunday has many different meanings for some and by the worlds terms, it’s a celebration of chocolate Easter bunnies, Easter baskets and Easter egg hunts. These are fun activities for children but are parents teaching their children the truth about the true meaning of Easter Sunday?

In all actuality Resurrection Sunday has absolutely nothing to do with the Easter bunny, baskets, candies or the eggs.

My question to you…What does “The Resurrection” mean to you? Regardless of your theory, I will tell you the TRUE meaning of Easter Sunday tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live“.

Use the “Conversations links” in this post to access the show!

See you on the air!

127 thoughts on “What does “The Resurrection” mean to you? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. WaSup Erbody……….

        …..Is it me or is Tra turning her show all religious? —->>> How did you conclude with this shit? go back to former shows and they were not all religious


      2. Is it me or is Tra turning her show all religious
        It’s def. YOU!!! – Good Wednesday afternoon all.


      3. Sup people. Ion care what Trace talkin bout I don’t miss a show. All U other bitch azzes if u don’t like her topics move da fuck on!


      4. Is it me or is Tra turning her show all religious?
        Yea man it’s U……………………Wha~Dup Fam


      5. Easter was goodt. I promise you 4 times as mannie people showed up for church than normal. I never understood that. Then they come OVERDONE. This one man and his wife had on matching lime green shiny suits with them twins POLY and ESTHER. They was older too. They should know better 😆


    1. I wanna say this sounds boring but w/Blog Queen that’s neva the case

      That’s because folk don’t be too excited n talkin bout Jesus 😆


      1. I wanna say this sounds boring but w/Blog Queen that’s neva the case

        Dats da damn problem FOLKS NEED JESUS!!


      2. I wanna say this sounds boring but w/Blog Queen that’s neva the case

        🙂 how can you tell you haven’t heard the show yet.


      3. I wanna say this sounds boring but w/Blog Queen that’s neva the case

        Nah it’s boring she taking her topics way left <<-


      4. I wanna say this sounds boring but w/Blog Queen that’s neva the case

        Nah it’s boring she taking her topics way left <<-
        @Al, she’s not taking her topics LEFT. She’s remaining current. Easter Sunday was just this past Sunday, what’s so wrong with her having a show about it? Keep an open mind and you just might learn something you neva knew


      5. Nah it’s boring she taking her topics way left <<-
        Don't tune in. In fact don't even comment if you ain't feelin her topics


      6. Nah it’s boring she taking her topics way left
        Oh Get Over it already. Just don’t tune in that’s all.


      7. Nah it’s boring she taking her topics way left
        Oh Get Over it already. Just don’t tune in that’s all.
        That’s just it da nigga can’t.


      8. Nah it’s boring she taking her topics way left <<-
        GTFOH Trace ain't taking her topics way left….she's too evolved for that and if you a regular here U wouldn't even be questioning this.


      9. Nah it’s boring she taking her topics way left <<-
        Tracy has not gone LEFT with her topics but you've gone LEFT with this comment. 😡


  1. Christians should know what the Resurrection mean to them but everybody have different interpretations. Tuning in to hear Tra’s spin on the topic of course.


  2. I look forward to my big family dinner gatherings on Easter. That’s what the Resurrection Sunday mean for me. 😆


  3. Good subject Tra…. Cause I die laughing every time I see someone dress their kids up for Easter and go to church that one time out the year :hahaha:


  4. Tracy!!!
    I went church Easter Sunday and had a great time at church!!! I asked for forgiveness. The Pastor preached an excellent message. Then he passed the mic to a few celebrity singers and it was over. 🙂


      1. Let’s just PRAY our girl get her rest for next week. She told the truth though in that short time.


      2. Ok whatz up with Tra?? She sounded like something was wrong. she wasn’t herself?

        I thought so too.


      3. Yeah, yeah yeah…if we could just stop focusing on the fact that Tra might’ve been or could’ve been sick and think about how this Jesus was crucified that’s the shit she talked about that blew my mind. Nails to the wrist and feet? I’m done. Is it true doe?


      4. Maybe she got high b4 the show
        You are purposely trying to piss us off right? You know dang on well Tracy does not indulge. I know that and I’m new to this blog.


      5. Ok whatz up with Tra?? She sounded like something was wrong. she wasn’t herself?
        CoSign 😦


      6. Tracy may have been sick but it was a good show. she def. sounded tired.
        Xmen, you know damn well she wasn’t high you idiot!!!!!!!


      1. Feel better Tracy 😦 I can tell you weren’t yourself 2night.
        We all could tell.


      2. Feel better Tracy 😦 I can tell you weren’t yourself 2night.
        Clearly she sounded like she was sick maybe suffering from a cold or the flu.


  5. The fun of Easter use to be dressing up as kids. Good show Tra but are you Ok? You seemed a little lost before you closed. Hope you aight.


  6. Sad part is… is that some people only go to church cause it’s Easter Sunday let alone knowing it’s Resurrection of JC….they get dressed up in their new clothes because of that 😦 good information Tra


  7. Awesome message tonight Ms. Bell…..I loved the No comparison of the cross to the Easter eggs and candy. 🙂 very true. Although I love me some Jelly Beans


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