Excessive sentencing, President Obama, President's Pardon, Stephanie George

She Got Life in Prison all because…


Her boyfriend Hid Crack in her Attic.

Pictured above is Stephanie George and she was sentenced by a judge to life in prison all because her boyfriend was a dope dealer and hid his crack in her attic without her knowledge. Even though the judge in Stephanie’s case agreed that she had nothing to do with her boyfriend’s activities, he still took this mother of three away from her kids for the remainder of her natural life.  She was just 27 years old at the time.

“Even though you have been involved in drugs and drug dealing,” Judge Vinson told Ms. George, “your role has basically been as a girlfriend and bag holder and money holder but not actively involved in the drug dealing, so certainly in my judgment it does not warrant a life sentence.” Yet he still imparted such a harsh sentencing.

Now at 42 years old, President Barack Obama pardoned eight people who were serving “unnecessarily lengthy sentences,” and Stephanie George was one of them.

Stephanie George, Clarence Aaron, Ezell Gilbert, and Reynolds Wintersmith were among those pardoned. All eight cases involved crack cocaine sentences, which have been under increasing criticism for being too harsh, including from Obama.

Obama said in a statement that the eight men and women were sentenced in what is now known as an “unfair system,” including the stark disparity between crack and powder cocaine offenses that typically saw black people sentenced to life in prison for crack, while white people got off with light or no sentences for powder at all.

President Obama today gave several Americans who were unnecessarily sentenced to die behind bars the chance to reunite with their families. This is one important step toward undoing the damage that extreme sentencing has done to so many in our criminal justice system. We hope the President will continue to exercise his clemency powers and lend his support to systemic reform that will make our criminal justice system smarter, fairer, and more humane.

96 thoughts on “She Got Life in Prison all because…”

  1. Trace you had a brotha scared there for a minute.

    On this post::: the BIGGER PROBLEM is what does a Convicted Drug Dealer Do after Prison?


    1. On this post::: the BIGGER PROBLEM is what does a Convicted Drug Dealer Do after Prison?
      The system fuck em up with this excessive sentencing then make them struggle to find gainful employment when their released. I hope the president can come up with a plan for that shit too. SMMFH 😡 mad as hail @ this shit right here!


      1. On this post::: the BIGGER PROBLEM is what does a Convicted Drug Dealer Do after Prison?
        Yeah what can she do?


      2. On this post::: the BIGGER PROBLEM is what does a Convicted Drug Dealer Do after Prison?


  2. 1.Does the drug Dealer continue to sell drugs because they cant get a job after prison?
    2.How can you get employment with a felony on your record?
    3. I would have prefered probation,expungment and manditory college
    At least that way your better off than when you went in & can contribute to your community


  3. This is unfortunate but when you knowingly allow someone who is involved in illegal activities into your home/life, you really shouldn’t be surprised by the consequences. It’s unfortunate for the children involved.


  4. I’m not sure how I feel about this yet. She knew her boyfriend was a dealer, she even helped. No she didn’t SELL herself but she helped him in other ways.


  5. She made a bad choice about a man and his dealings, but she was not a dealer, she did not murder anybody but yet she paying with her life?


  6. To end the problem you have to treat the sources of the problem which includes; poverty, oppression, inter-generational trauma, PTSD, child abuse, domestic & sexual violence, lack of good education, etc.


  7. This world is absolutely crazy. And it’s unfortunate that we have to live in this era full of foolishness, unfair practices, racism, economic hardships, and corrupted justice system. Who do you turn to? Who can you trust?


  8. This is fucked up on so many levels, yet how is it that people with NON VIOLENT crimes are being sentenced to 15 or more years. Where as child molesters get 2-4 years and are out on parole within 18 months? Smh…..wow 😥


  9. She didn’t know her man was a dealer or had some shady behavior? C’mon now.
    Morning Fam and Happy New Year to y’all


      1. @Mrs, when you get involved with these thug animals and you will pay a price. She was involved with some level of drug dealing and paid the price bottom line.

        Morning all!!!!!!!!!!


      2. Mrs,
        This isn’t about if she knew what her ex was doing, it’s more about the system separating Afro American Families. Life without parole? Smh and the excessive sentencing on black folks.

        WaSup Fam!


      3. Sup Fam,
        This woman had to know she was living with a drug dealer..She had to have known and since it was her house, the judge took into consideration of how much it was and that it was at her property and most of all she’s Black.


  10. If the judge gave her a life sentence just because the crack was in her house. what did her BF the drug dealer get? GTFOHWTBS Smh


  11. Some folks know what they are doing and when they get caught they get surprised when the book is thrown at them. Mother or not, she should have known better. And where is he?? he’s probably free thanks to her.


  12. These racist judges, prosecutors and lawyers are all in this thing together. When it comes to Black people, innocent or guilty, rich or poor, educated or uneducated the book is thrown at them!!! Sad 😦 but true.


  13. She has to take responsibility for her actions, she knew what time it was. Ppl could have came into her home and killed her and her kids for the drugs, it’s not like it’s never happened……


  14. That picture look like she was down with a drug dealer. I guess she paid the consequences behind his bullshit. sounds like the judge saw her as an accomplice.


  15. Damn shame and white folk have the nerve to talk shit cause president Obama pardoned them all. he should have they were sentenced excessively.


  16. Why am I not surprised by this bullshit right here? The justice system is not for us it’s to hinder us. Kudos to Obama for setting them free and exposing the bullshit behind racist acts towards blacks in the justice system.


  17. I hope she’s learned something from all of this. most importantly I pray she can regain herself in society and contribute like any other decent human being.


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