David E. Talbert, New Movie Release, Paula Patton

Baggage Claim fails to deliver!

Patton_baggage claim

We’ve all heard the saying “always a bridesmaids but never the bride” well this was Paula Patton’s characters (Montana Moore’s) problem when she learns her younger sister (Lauren London) is getting married.

Paranoid and desperate about not having a date or a mate, Montana sets out to run into all of her ex-boyfriends in hopes of rekindling a romantic connection in time for her sister’s wedding.

This movie is loaded with all of societies stereotypes about the light skin female vs. the dark skin female and the over obsessive, altar obsessed mother (played by Jennifer Lewis) whose been married five times pressuring Montana about not being married.

The film devolves into one scene after another of Montana running through airports, bumping into her ex’s, dinner montages and flights around the country, in a desperate attempt to hopefully hook-up.

Directed by David E. Talbert, he delivers with a strong supporting cast and some handsome leading men however, chemistry you can fake, but charm is far harder to pull off, and “Baggage Claim” never quite succeeds on that front. The character in the movie was desperate and that’s always a turnoff!

75 thoughts on “Baggage Claim fails to deliver!”

  1. Paula Pattons character was desperate on top of the fact that IMO she can’t act!

    Yeah I wasted my money goes to show you don’t support a movie just because it has an all black cast 😦


      1. I don’t like her as a actress either Adrianne,
        she always has the big fake smile plastered on her face. And I think she over-acts a lot too.


      2. I guess her agent is trying to make her the new “it girl?” I don’t find her to be a particularly talented actress.



        Cosign!!!!!! the bullshit with this comment is real ignorant!


      If you think so but of course I beg to differ, its mentalities such as yours that have many women who think the same believing that they are superior when they’re NOT!


  2. Tracy I agree with your observation.
    Seeing a beautiful and successful woman wrap her entire self-worth around getting married as soon as possible isn’t just antiquated and unfunny, it’s insulting.


  3. I like Paula but I’m sick of movies like this, they’re insulting to women. It’s not the end of the world to be pushing 30 and not married, it’s 2013 for goodness sakes.


  4. Saw the movie and enjoyed it! It was a romcom,not to be taken literally. It was fun with lots of eye candy. Not every movie is going to be Shakespeare. A great chick flick~


  5. The movie was good! Jennifer Lewis made me cry when she told Montana her father was the realest love of her life and used to make her pancakes. DejaVu for me!


  6. Frankly, Montana is far too easy to snag a husband, making the only man genuinely interested in marrying her the one who hasn’t had sex with her yet. Stay interesting ladies by keepin ya legs closed.


  7. I went to see it last night and I liked it. It a movie, not a documentary and I found it entertaining. I go to the movies to be entertained, not enlightened or to get an “ah-ha” moment. Now with that being said, Paula Patton always seems “high” to me and she can’t act but the movie itself provide me with some good laugh out loud moments! I loved that mama…”now you know you don’t need that cookie, gone sit down”

    On another note, some good black movies seem to be coming out over the next few months…good to see us on the big screen.


      1. Paula Patton always seems “high” to me and she can’t act
        Agree but I loved her “Jumping the broom”


      1. Paula Patton always seems “high” to me and she can’t act
        Yes!!!!! Like a leftova hippy from woodstock!


  8. I saw the movie and I swear it was sooo predictable. It was ok but it did make Paula’s character look pretty and desperate. And when women are desperate they’ll do anything which is even sadder,


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