Al Sharpton, Carl Redding, Cash Money Records, Lil Wayne, Rejected Stone, The Evolution of Al Sharpton

Has Al Sharpton changed based on the money trail?


The good right political activist, Reverend Al Sharpton turned MSNBC political commentator, has inked a million dollar book deal with rapper Little Wayne under his Cash Money Records’ publishing. The thirty year old rapper and the Rev. Al have publicly disagreed in the past but the two have apparently made up. Why? Because money talks and bullshit walks!

Although Wayne said the following about Sharpton in the past:

You see, you are no MLK, you are no Jesse Jackson // You are nobody, to me // You’re just another Don King, with a perm // Hahaha just a little more political // And that just means you’re a little unhuman, than us humans // And now let me be human by saying // Fuck Al Sharpton and anyone like him”

Sharpton is gearing up to release a book entitled “Rejected Stone” via Cash Money Records and today, they’re business partners. 

The book will chronicle his “personal evolution” from his time as a New York street activist, political candidate, to a national civil rights spokesman. Sharpton will also share his thoughts on Wayne and other rappers in the book. Sharpton has denounced Wayne’s rap lyrics in the past as well and it will be interesting to see what he will initially add regarding his thoughts on his new sponsor.

Speaking of “evolution”…many have issues with Sharpton’s, how can this man change his views and stance on so many matters spiritually, ethically and morally overnight? He has re-invented his image and watered down his rhetoric to appease those white and black politicians alike who are now supporting him fully, including the Obama administration.   

Is Sharpton’s new image aligned with a money trail?

ChefCarlReddingOne person not buying the reincarnation of the political activist is Carl Redding (pictured left) a former U.S. Marine who moved up in the ranks throughout Sharpton’s Organization, finally serving as his Chief of Staff. Redding not only knows Reverend Sharpton intimately but he can’t believe his former mentor and boss has transformed his position all for the sake of selling out.

Below is an open letter Redding penned to Rev. Sharpton and sent to me via email yesterday, calling out the man he once admired and worked so closely with, for having changed his core of beliefs at such a pivotal point in his career. 

Dear Reverend Sharpton,

I remember you preaching a sermon many years ago entitled, “I’m Still Here.” Well guess what Rev. Sharpton, I’m still here. And from time to time we all need someone to sometimes give us a smack upside our heads to bring us back on track when we veer off track…  Hopefully it is I who may be able to get you back on the right tracks of Social Justice.

I recently read that you had penned a book deal with Cash Money, the very company that touts Lil Wayne as one its most recognized artists. Though I wish I could say that I was surprised by this move, I am not. As one who has spent years publicly crusading against the harmful effect of misogynistic lyrics on our young people, it’s clear that your decision to cut a lucrative financial deal with those who propagate such destructive images in our community, is the latest example of your failed leadership. Dr. Martin Luther King, who you claim to emulate, is doing somersaults in his grave. As you know, I was drawn to your social justice work when I came to work for you in 1990. Fresh out of the US Marines, I temporarily put my culinary ambitions on hold to serve as your personal driver and then later, chief of staff.

Though you give me no credit, and have attempted to rewrite me out of the history books, it was I who was a founding member of National Action Network and I who even helped to name the social justice organization. Like the dozens of people who worked for you, I believed back then, in your mission and your calling.

Sadly, you have lost your drive and have become disconnected to those who have supported you throughout the years (From the Tawana Brawley controversy, allegations that you were an FBI informant, the fire at Freddy’s in Harlem, just to name a couple of your life’s events). Those who were under your employ have been loyal to you even when you have not been loyal to them. They have remained silent in the face of your outrageous acts of self-aggrandizement. But I cannot and will not remain silent any longer.

I believe in my heart of hearts that the Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. would not have traded 30 pieces of silver to the likes of the Little Wayne’s of our world today as you have done by signing a book deal with Cash Money… So Rev Sharpton, in conclusion of my Open Letter to you, I am publicly imploring you to end your business relationship with Cash Money and return the “blood money” that you have accepted from those very people who continue to have the highest disregard for our women and our community…

Our community is in desperate need of real leadership to solve the issues such as mass incarceration, an alarming level of black on black crime, and high unemployment that continues to impact millions of blacks. Sadly, as you have personally climbed the corporate ladder—securing a job at MSNBC—you have forgotten about the countless number of your supporters who stood by you when you were deemed a “racial pariah and agitator”.

Yours truly, who endures the “real” struggle,

Carl Redding

104 thoughts on “Has Al Sharpton changed based on the money trail?”

  1. Trace
    Trace money talks and bullshit walks! Don’t you know?

    Dudes open letter is more like a “I remember when” while all Sharpton tryna do is eat.


  2. “Though you give me no credit, and have attempted to rewrite me out of the history books”

    What history book is diss nigga talkin bout? And where would his name be included?


  3. “why dignify a response to one rap artist who doesn’t even say anything substantive”

    Al Sharpton

    He’s a hypocrite. sadly he won’t care about Redding’s open letter he believes he’s beneath him now.


  4. Wayne cracked me up when he said “Mr. Sharpton u are no MLK, you are no Jesse Jackson..your just another Don King with a perm” Hilarious!

    Whats amazing is that Sharpton or someone in his camp responded to Waynes rant. Smh at that shit.


  5. Hell yeah Al Sharpton following the cash money trail….does seem a little hypocritical since he’s been against little Wayne in the 1st place but like you said money talks.


  6. No Trace is not fucking with this monfucker again. While his open letter is riddled with some truth why should sharpton listen to him?


  7. Can’t help but to wonder if people hatin on Al because he’s raised himself up, put away the ghetto and now in the pocket of the obama administration. That’s all well and good but when Obama leave that White House he just might be azz out! So signing with Wayne and making corporate deals is his backup plan IMO.


      1. Morning all TGIF!!!

        What cha’ll think about Reddings open letter? Heartfelt or hatin?
        @Lilly, heartfelt but Sharpton don’t care.


      2. Good morning

        @Lilly, Redding’s letter is nothing new, unfortunately Al has turned a deaf ear to those people who helped him over the hill It’s a new day for him so fuck those still living in the past is his feel.


      3. What cha’ll think about Reddings open letter? Heartfelt or hatin?
        Only God can know what is in the heart of Man


      4. Morning everybody

        What cha’ll think about Reddings open letter? Heartfelt or hatin?
        Lilly, sounds like Carl is disappointed in the good Rev. but I see him sending the open letter to Tracy so he can get a plug on this blog for his letter. Smh 😡 sad


      5. Morning Ceo Family.

        No comment on the Carl Redding open letter. I sense he’s an attention seeker. Tis all


      6. Hey people..y’all better get up top and vote on the 2 shows you wanna hear while Tracy is gone!!! girlfriend going away for 2 weeks. and the show will be repeats.


      7. Hello everyone….who is Carl Redding the guy up top? he’s nice looking. didn’t read the whole thing but how is he connected to Al sharpton can someone sum it up quickly for me. Thanks


      8. Hello everyone….who is Carl Redding the guy up top? he’s nice looking. didn’t read the whole thing but how is he connected to Al sharpton can someone sum it up quickly for me. Thanks
        In a nut shell, Carl Redding use to work for Al Sharpton long, long time ago, now he sending him an open letter like he miss him and shit.


      9. Lilly, sounds like Carl is disappointed in the good Rev. but I see him sending the open letter to Tracy so he can get a plug on this blog for his letter. Smh 😡 sad
        I personally see nothing wrong with sending a blog host an open letter. Why not Trace she has a platform and a voice. I know if i had shit to say about a public figure I’d send it to Trace 1st hand. IMO he did the right thing.


  8. “Though you give me no credit, and have attempted to rewrite me out of the history books, it was I who was a founding member of National Action Network and I who even helped to name the social justice organization. Like the dozens of people who worked for you, I believed back then, in your mission and your calling.”

    Al Sharpton has come a long way baby and only focusing on those people who have remained with him throughout. Wonder if his daughter still gettin her ass kicked by her man. and if his wife still have that skrong face. 😆 Carl your letter is touching n all but he ain’t thinking bout you Boo.


  9. I credit Lil’ Wayne as an artist for expressing his ideas about a man who many people are afraid to speak against solely because he will point the finger at you next to try to get as much attention as he possibly can off the situation. Lil’ Wayne may not be the greatest role model for people, but honestly he raps about crude things for shock and “cool” value, which is perfectly fine because that works in his industry, but he is great for expressing his ideas about a man who is against any progress in this nation.

    Unfortunately money talks and bullshit walks! as you’ve said Tra


  10. Since Carl Redding worked for Sharpton he oughta write a book and spill all his dirty secrets and hypocritical truths. that would get his attention cause he don’t give a fuck about his open letter.


  11. yeah sharpton has reinvented himself big time. he’s no longer spreading hate and supporting/provoking pro-separatist movements with a hard tone. he’s supporting gays now and has softened his image. hell even i like em now. 🙂 so of course money is at the root of his image change.


  12. I agree wit Lil Wayne 100% Al is no MLK and no Jesse Jackson, he’s just another don king wit a perm……2 funny 😆 ….but fuck Al he is nothing and never has been. To have a campaign 2 stop rappers from using the n, b, and h words then turns around and sign with his label is some double talking backhanded bullshit.

    He’s a hypocrite who is ruled by money why not turn on his people, hell he turned on God long time ago.


  13. This is a headline I never thought I’d be reading. I’m not sure why Sharpton is doing this, besides the obvious reason of trying to cash in through the name power of a person he has spoken out against very harshly numerous times. It is extremely hypocritical…and Wayne will have control over what is said in the book. hope his shit don’t back fire.


  14. “I believe in my heart of hearts that the Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. would not have traded 30 pieces of silver to the likes of the Little Wayne’s of our world today as you have done by signing a book deal with Cash Money”…



  15. “I have been in conversations over the last several days with leadership at PepsiCo and the family of Emmett Till we intend to meet next week. This has been a “teaching moment for Lil Wayne, corporate America and the family of Emmett Till yet more than a condemnation of any one artist, it is an affirmation of Emmett Till and a call for more sensitivity about what we say and do in our culture. National Action Network does not want it to end with artists losing contracts but rather with a sensitizing of corporate America so we can learn from these experiences and set a tone that will help everybody. It’s in that spirit that we go forward to meeting with PepsiCo next week.”

    Rev. Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network and MSNBC host

    This is what Shapton said and they met, Sharpton sided with the Till family and now he turns around and sign with lil Wayne 😆 makes ya wonder who’s side is this greedy motherfucker really on?


    1. makes ya wonder who’s side is this greedy motherfucker really on?
      he’s on the side of his pockets as they get fat!


  16. Meanwhile, Al Sharpton, who has been trying to arrange a sit-down with the Till Family, Lil Wayne and PepsiCo says he hopes that the latest decisions by Mountain Dew and Reebok are not looked at as punishment, but as a teaching moment for rappers.

    And now he signs with the devil. wow. get over it carl redding sharpton ain’t tryna hear you. he paid now, your sentiments might be sincere but sharpton is too far gone and livin it up right now.


  17. Carl Redding GET OVER IT BRO Al Sharpton is Making money….and don’t give a fuck about what you think. Half those sermons and shit that he preached back in the day was his way of getting over till he could get by.


  18. I CoSign Reddings letter.
    The Bible says: pride goes before a fall and the “good reverend” fall may now be on national TV either!!!!


    1. I CoSign Reddings letter.
      The Bible says: pride goes before a fall and the “good reverend” fall may now be on national TV either!!!!
      “Reverend” Sharpton is a disgrace and a discredit to his people…the AMERICAN people. He is truly godless.


  19. I feel sorry for him cause one day he will face GOD for what he’s done. That judgement will be unending.

    I agree with Redding. I just hate to see anyone paving their own way to Hell when they could simply do the right thing and change things.


  20. C’mon Redding hasn’t he shown you long time ago that he is NOT a Christian, nor a minister? You worked closely with him, so don’t act like you don’t know the real deal.


  21. Sharpton’s a pimp. he’s always played the game until he got to the table. So now he at the table and ain’t taking none of those past kneegrows with him…. 😆 he ain’t even fuckin with messy jesse no more. he’s obama’s bitch now.


  22. Sharpton is Obama’s spokesperson. If you notice anybody black who come out and speak against Obama, Sharpton jumps in their face. Dude now has an open door to the White House when in the beginning he was hatin on Obama. Now he on Obama’s jock strap. He probably know what Obam’s dick smell like better than Michelle.


  23. Carl Redding this is the dude from Tracy’s book. The one who love his mama and Jesus. Ok. I see Trace still fucking wit diss nigga


    1. Carl Redding this is the dude from Tracy’s book. The one who love his mama and Jesus. Ok. I see Trace still fucking wit diss nigga
      Oh BaJesus don’t start that again 😆


      1. Carl Redding this is the dude from Tracy’s book. The one who love his mama and Jesus. Ok. I see Trace still fucking wit diss nigga
        Oh that’ll be the one.


      2. I see Trace still fucking wit diss nigga
        Please read the post again by all means. I believe she said he sent her an email with the open letter in it. so she published it what was so wrong with that? Doesn’t mean they’re having a love affair…sheesh


  24. Al Sharpton has not only changed but he’s grown. and anything not growing ought to be dead. Now him gettin in bed with Lil Wayne is a shocker but we already know Lil Wayne hit Sharpton where he is weak and that’s his pockets. How many of us would do the same thing if the price was right? Just askin.


  25. Let Sharpton live, he has to see God for his hypocritical nature.
    Carl Boo, build a bridge and get over it because he will not HEAR you hunty.


    1. Let Sharpton live, he has to see God for his hypocritical nature.
      Carl Boo, build a bridge and get over it because he will not HEAR you hunty.


  26. Our community is in desperate need of real leadership to solve the issues such as mass incarceration, an alarming level of black on black crime, and high unemployment that continues to impact millions of blacks.
    Amen Mr. Redding Amen


  27. That Carl Redding is serious about his open letter. But we all know Carl Redding worked with this dude and IS affiliated with Tracy in some way or another.


    1. That Carl Redding is serious about his open letter. But we all know Carl Redding worked with this dude and IS affiliated with Tracy in some way or another.
      He USE to own AmyRuth’s in Harlem. That joint use to be jumpin.


      1. That Carl Redding is serious about his open letter. But we all know Carl Redding worked with this dude and IS affiliated with Tracy in some way or another.
        He USE to own AmyRuth’s in Harlem. That joint use to be jumpin.
        What happened he don’t own it anymore. Tracy didn’t mention that in the post.


      2. What happened he don’t own it anymore. Tracy didn’t mention that in the post.
        He sold it


  28. Sharpton has changed for the better thank God and Lord knows he’s not going to please everyone but that open letter by Carl Redding is funny as hell because he ripped him apart in a nice way. calling Lil Wayne’s dough blood money. wow.


  29. Our community is in desperate need of real leadership to solve the issues such as mass incarceration, an alarming level of black on black crime, and high unemployment that continues to impact millions of blacks.


  30. The man is obviously following the money and at the end of the day everything else is secondary so that open letter won’t mean shit to him.


  31. “you have forgotten about the countless number of your supporters who stood by you when you were deemed a “racial pariah and agitator”.

    See I disagree. I just think Sharpton has moved on to bigger and better things.


  32. The Lil Wayne thing is just hypocritical and foul…that open letter is a “I remember you when” people change…people grow and Al Sharpton jumped at the opportunity to do both.


  33. Get over it son. Carl sound like he mad cause Sharpton down on a big tip and he not. He probably calling him and begging for a job and shit …Sharpton ain’t studdin him. Ain’t nobody caring.


  34. Sharpton sold out period!!!!
    Sittin his ass up on MSNBC that spells sold out period.
    Carl Redding leave it alone son that permed up fool gon wind up in hell anyway.
    Calling himself a Rev and supporting gay marriage. GTFOH!!!


  35. I agree with Mr. Redding.
    Sharpton sold out long time ago and YES he need to give Lil Wayne his money back. 😆
    Sitting up on MSNBC looking like a pluck bobble headed chicken.


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