New Movie Release

Sparkle came in “5th place” at the box office

Sparkle starring the late Whitney Houston and Jordan Sparks came in fifth place at the box office this weekend earning $12 million dollars…

The Expendables 2 starring Sylvester Stallone and Liam Hemsworth snagged the top spot again this week with $28.8 million, followed by The Bourne Legacy with $16 million, animated feature ParaNorman pulled $14 million and The Campaign starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galifinakis beat Sparkle to the number four spot with $13.4 million dollars.

In the meantime, the original Sparkle starring Irene Cara and Philip Michael Thomas aired on BET yesterday afternoon. Based on a conversation I had with my girlfriend Joycee, people are really not big on classic movie remakes.   

70 thoughts on “Sparkle came in “5th place” at the box office”

  1. Didn’t see but heard it was good.

    Still tired of Hollyweird doing remakes though.

    Where’s the creativeness? What’s next? “Lady Sings the Blues”, “Claudine” and “Blacula”. (Although I would like to see Blacula done with Samuel Jackson)


  2. BET just showed Sparkle yesterday, so I was able to watch the original again so its fresh in my mind then go see the remake. Still its a sad movie when you think about what Sister went through. =(


  3. I don’t like remakes unless you add a little something to surprise me. Same movie different actors=same ole, same ole. The should have done a remake of today instead of that era and that would have been refreshing for me.


    1. I don’t like remakes unless you add a little something to surprise me. Same movie different actors=same ole, same ole. The should have done a remake of today instead of that era and that would have been refreshing for me.
      I swear you just can’t please black folks at all! Y’all acting like the original Sparkle had Oscar-winning actors giving top performances…them niggas was new to the game, too, so don’t use the “they shouldna did a remake” as an excuse.


      1. I swear you just can’t please black folks at all! Y’all acting like the original Sparkle had Oscar-winning actors giving top performances…them niggas was new to the game, too, so don’t use the “they shouldna did a remake” as an excuse.
        Really@Cameo, irene cara and philip michael thomas went on to bigger and better things. the point is…sparkle was original and the remake didn’t even touch the caliber of where the original was in the history of classic movies.


  4. The movie was really good. It is a totally different movie than the original. Whitney, Jordin and Mike Epps did a really good job acting. You will leave the theater happy. Just remmeber, this movie is NOT the original, and if you go in with an open mind, you may enjoy it–I did!


  5. didn’t see it don’t know if i want too. i really like the original and BET airing it yesterday didn’t help either. it’s like they was giving people something to compare when i know there’s NO comparison.


  6. I did not hear any good feedback about this remake.
    Changed plot lines, changed character traits, music, etc…not surprised at how poorly it did…

    The original was not to be messed with!



  7. Morning everybody.

    This is why I didn’t go see it… in love with the original. 🙂 from the previews alone i could tell whitney made alot of changes.


      1. This is why I didn’t go see it
        Hey Felicia, wise choice.



      2. Hey Fam:
        I thought Whitney was outstanding.
        The movie is a hit!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Miss her dearly; but we shall all be free someday!


  8. I shoulda waited til it came out on cable or Netflix.
    The movie was tired, they changed the whole movie…sister dosent die, she ends up in jail…..Whitney/her girls are semi-rich. Whitney walks around like she owns a department store, which is BS because if you lived in those days, early sixties….your additude with white men could get you killed. I was very, very disappointed with the movie. so i see why it came in 5th.


  9. Nice movie, but it was too Tyler Perry IMO.
    If I wanted Tyler Perry,Id go see him.
    Save your money people, wait til it comes out on video or PPV.
    Which judging by those in the threatre with me….should be by christmas.
    10 Thumbs down^^.


    1. The plot is slightly different from the original but still very entertaining.
      Whitney Houston was EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of this film.


  10. I thought the movie was good and that Whitney played her role to a tee! I felt like she was speaking from her own life experience. Mike Epps was a pleasant surprise. Looking forward to seeing more of him in the future.


  11. We get a decent movie that didn’t have Tyler Perry in a dress, didn’t have niggas shooting each other up in the hood, didn’t have men vs. women bashing each other, didn’t have Eddie Murphy coonin’ for the white folks or Steve Harvey giving relationship “advice” and y’all still want to complain.


  12. Whitney Houston WAS one of the biggest stars on the planet.

    Whitney ain’t made a movie or a decent album in years. She had a supporting role at the end of the day. The movie was called Sparkle…not Sparkle’s Mama.

    If this was ’93 after the Bodyguard came out then you could say this movie was a flop otherwise they all tried.


    1. Gia,
      I think everybody’s forgetting that unlike Whitney’s old movies, she didn’t really have a “song” to go with it.

      Bodyguard had I Will Always Love You and I Have Nothing
      Waiting to Exhale had Shoop Shoop and a banging soundtrack
      Preacher’s Wife had a bunch of songs

      Sparkle only had one Whitney song and her voice wasn’t in top form, so yeah…

      In the original Sparkle, Aretha Franklin did all the songs and they were hits!!!


  13. Went to see it and didn’t see the point in them calling the movie “Sparkle” since everything was just about changed. Should’ve just said the darn thing was inspired by the movie Sparkle and left it at that.


  14. Went to see it and didn’t see the point in them calling the movie “Sparkle” since everything from the original movie had just about changed.

    They should’ve just said the darn movie was inspired by the movie Sparkle and left it at that.


    1. They should’ve just said the darn movie was inspired by the movie Sparkle and left it at that.
      I agree the movie was way out the way from the original. the whole script was re-written.


      1. They should’ve just said the darn movie was inspired by the movie Sparkle and left it at that.


      2. They should’ve just said the darn movie was inspired by the movie Sparkle and left it at that.
        Exactly!!!! I cosign!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      3. They should’ve just said the darn movie was inspired by the movie Sparkle and left it at that.
        Had thay said: INSPIRED yeah that would have softened the blow. so i agree with y’all.


  15. The movie was good if you didn’t see or didn’t like the original. The acting was not good, but this was probably Whitney’s best performance and IMO she can’t act!

    But the plot changed, the song changed, etc.
    They should have just called the movie Glimmer, Shimmer or Sprinkle cuz it damn sure wasn’t Sparkle.


  16. Had this movie had some white people in it, it would have sored @ the box office but it was an all black casts…need i say more???


      1. Had this movie had some white people in it, it would have sored @ the box office but it was an all black casts…need i say more???
        EH wrong!! @Man,
        plenty of movies have made bank with a mostly black cast.
        GTFOH with that! please!!!!

        @Man, gotta agree with Corp: the following black movies with box office blockbusters:

        madea goes to jail
        madea’s family reunion
        think like a man
        why did i get married?
        red tails
        waiting to exhale


      2. MAN: THATS NOT TRUE DREAMGIRLS MADE 103 million domestically. and thats a black musical. [waiting 4 next excuse]


  17. I saw the movie and thought it was ok. i noticed how “sister” didn’t die of drugs she went to jail. the movie was a far cry from the original.


  18. Sparkle 2012 was no where close to the ORIGINAL Sparkle it was indeed disappionting and people knew this would be the case which is why I believe the movie came in 5th. even if they had reached out to the original cast and they didn’t do that.


  19. see from reading the comments i knew this post would open up pandora’s box. again, glad i didn’t go see this movie. i wanna just have the original in my mind as knowing it was the best!


  20. Saw the movie but 2012 Sparkle cast couldn’t hold a note compared to all the previous women that ever performed on the original soundtrack! I know one singer on the original soundtrack was aretha franklin and y’all know she can sang!!!


  21. Many say
    That I’m too young
    To let you know just where I’m coming from.
    But you will see
    It’s just a matter of time
    My love surely make you mine Well, i’m
    Livin’ in a world of ghetto life
    Everyone is so uptight
    Nothin’s wrong, it’s alright, my man
    I like the way we carry on
    His love will send me on and on
    With my man
    People out there can understand

    I’m givin him somethin he can feel
    To let him know this love is real
    This love is real


  22. I saw the movie and it was excellent. The entire cast shined as far as I am concerned. I could not believe the role Mike Epps played, he was very convincing. It was good to see that it was not exactly like the original film but took creative license. Kudos to the Writers, Directors, Producer, and all of the creative staff. I laughed and cried throughout the movie A+++.


  23. Haven’t seen it yet I have to muster up my gutts in order to see it…I did like the original tho. Saw it on BET yesterday.


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