Celebrity Kids, Celebrity Mess, Music News, Upcoming Events, Whitney Houston

Bobbi Kristina to honor Whitney during Billboard Music Awards

Bobbi Kristina will take part in a tribute to honor her mother Whitney Houston during the upcoming 2012 Billboard Music Awards.

The program, which airs Sunday at 8/7c, will feature a musical tribute, and Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina is scheduled to participate. As you know, Bobbi Kristina is working on an upcoming album and she will likely perform one of her mother’s hit songs during the tribute.

Bobbi Kristina, who reportedly dropped her father’s last name, will also appear in a reality show on Lifetime television network featuring members of the Houston family including Whitney’s mother Cissy Houston.

Whitney passed away on February 11 of a drug overdose and heart disease.

61 thoughts on “Bobbi Kristina to honor Whitney during Billboard Music Awards”

  1. Bobbi Kris was shole cursed wit Bobby Brown’s looks. Lawd knows he can never deny her. and outta all 6/7 of his kids, she look the most like him.


    1. She can sing but, I’m thinking more on Bobby’s level not Whitney’s from what I heard.

      Then she better learn how to dance… she can see: C-Error for that


    2. She can sing but, I’m thinking more on Bobby’s level not Whitney’s from what I heard.

      Ummm yeah so she has Bobby’s voice.


    3. Can she sing?
      i been wanting to know the answer to this for the longest time i hope they arent going on the strength that she’s Whitney’s daughter & get that child’s feelings hurt


    4. she sing?
      She’s okay, but this was from a youtube video posted awhile ago. Who knows, she’s probably been training so she could be better. But she ain’t her momma tho


    5. btw she doesn’t have her mother’s voice and I believe that’s why she hasn’t dropped anything yet. She will always be compared to her mother and even though the industry is full of talentless people those people aren’t the child of Whitney Houston either. She’ll be compared nonstop and that on it’s own may destroy her.

      Like I’ve said before, there is a reason Whitney didn’t use her connects to get this child put on but because of that will and the way it was written with her only getting so much and different junctures in her life… the people around her are going to do all theY can to bleed her for all that she is worth because they can’t do it to Whitney. And as much as people want to get on Bobby, I do believe Bobby is the only one who could probably stop it… which is why they’re trying to keep him away


    6. Hey Felicia!!!

      I agree, her feelings will be hurt. People want to see whitney’s voice through her and not going to hear nothing but “My Perrogative” coming from her mouth.


    7. I agree with you @Man:
      I also believe that she was keenly aware of everything that went on with her parents’ marriage – but that’s because I believe Whitney was trying to hard to be a FRIEND with her doorter than she was a mother.

      It’s possible that she didn’t want anything to do with him because, like most children, they side with their mother when the father is a cheater. That, in addition to the fact that it’s possible that, in her mind, she attributed her mother’s issues to the fact that her husband was cheating. Maybe, like everyone else, she wanted ANYONE to blame other than Whitney Houston.

      If Bobby Brown hasn’t spoken to his ADULT doorter, and couldn’t get in contact with her in the wake of her mother’s death – it’s because Bobbi KRISTINA didn’t WANT to talk to him! She has a cell phone, if they had a relationship, he would have that number.

      If she was 9, the Houston’s could keep him away… at 19, NOBODY can stop that bus.


    8. If Bobby Brown hasn’t spoken to his ADULT doorter, and couldn’t get in contact with her in the wake of her mother’s death – it’s because Bobbi KRISTINA didn’t WANT to talk to him! She has a cell phone, if they had a relationship, he would have that number.


    9. @Man I agree with you completely but someone in that household should have told her that you only get one father and to pick up that phone when he calls.


    10. @Man & @Queen
      I TRULY Believe that Whitney’s FAMILY Poisoned His Daughter Against HIM Though and for THAT Reason Alone they gets NO PROPS From Me… That’s LOWER Than LOW — IMO

      And HER not being REMOTELY Mentally Strong in the POSITIVE Sense probably made the Brain-Washing very Easy-n-Simple Too


  2. They putting alot on this young girl right away Anything to get viewers and have people tune in 😦 Sad


    1. Corp,
      I heard about the reality show on WW this morning…I’m done with the Houstonfamily. Especially that Pat!


    2. They putting alot on this young girl right away

      She wants it. She wants to be a star by any means necessary. She has the gig with Tyler Perry, but seems to think the reality show will launch her singing career. Has anyone besides Nene found success in legit entertainment as a result of a reality show?


    3. @Bird
      Sad thing is that if she truly has the chops she doesnt need all the gimmicky bullshit. Her mother is Whitney Houston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do u know how many record labels would be kicking her door down. I believe its the “other” people in that family that want to be stars


    4. @Corp
      I believe its the “other” people in that family that want to be stars

      Why couldn’t they be stars when Whitney was alive? Why wait till she dead to try and shine? Oh cause she was payin erbody’s bills?


    1. is it safe to say this girl not cute at all.?
      Yeah it’s safe to say it. startin with that gap in her mouth.

      gap so wide my dick can fit between dem teef.


  3. BobbiCrissy baby this is too soon. Fame killed your mom don’t let it kill you too. Oh and by the way this pose right here…..looks a little crackish!


  4. I understand her being there to honor her mother BUT I do NOT agree with the reality show. One thing about Whitney and Bobby, is that they were able to protect her from the fame of being a celebrity child. Yes, she was on their show and yes paps still got to her, but she was shielded at the same time from alot of the attention that other celeb kids have gotten over the years (both negative and positive). Her mother knew what she was doing when she wrote that will, now though I see her family using her to get fame and saying that it is to help her when I have a horrible feeling it’s going to go in the opposite direction of help. They are all about to get paid and it’s gonna be at the expense and on the cost of this child 😦

    On the Today show they discussed the reality show and one of the chicks said if Bobby is saying it’s a bad idea, it must be a really bad idea.


    1. @Mahogany & Kee,
      I seen the Bobby Brown interview and from what he says they are not keeping them apart because they are not those type of people. I personally think its Bobbi who doesnt want to fuck with her dad. I believe she saw what happened during their break up and whateva he did turned her off from him


    2. Bobby ain’t gonna let them sit there and leech off that girl until she has nothing left. Maybe I’m the only one who has noticed, but not one of his other children has ever had one negative word to say about him, none of them have gotten in serious trouble, none of them have been in the tabloids really and none of them have ever been caught in bad situations. It could be all on the mother’s who raised them but I believe it has something to do with him as well. Bobby K was around all them people her mama had around and it wasn’t until they split that she started really acting up publicly


  5. Ummm, not trying to be cruel or mean…but she needs to take time out to heal. I’m starting to think that the Houston family may be in need of money. It hasn’t even been six months and now a “reality” show and performance(s). I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers, but BK remember to take time out to heal first and for most.


    1. I’m starting to think that the Houston family may be in need of money.
      errybody but BK is what i’m thinking, since Whit left her estate to BK. i’m thinking she’s being pressured into this stufff (lawd i hope so)


    2. I’m starting to think that the Houston family may be in need of money.
      I feel if she was on Whitney’s level when it comes to voice quality, we would have heard it long before now. I also think this is a money thing since they can’t access her money until she is what 30? I will pray for her…


  6. I’m sure on that reality show we will see Pat singing a few tunes as well as Gary. I peeped out too how they showed their daughter playing that piano while the two of them were singing. Wow when the checks stop coming in.


    1. I peeped out too how they showed their daughter playing that piano while the two of them were singing

      I was very confused and was like what is this about?! This ain’t the damn Sonny and Cher show, this is about Whitney! And who cares about them two, we wanted to see Bobbi Kris. something is slimy about the both of them.


    1. From that quick weave cap thats started in the middle of her hair, to that hair she got from Sallys beauty mart, she needs more people


  7. Wow, I’m happy for her, but worried at the same time…

    I’ve heard Krissy sing and she’s a-ight in a “Oh, I didn’t know you could sing a lil” kinda way, but I’m one of those people who watches American Idol when the shameful people come out really thinkin they can blow and can’t, or when someone gets “womp womped” on Apollo and I turn the channel because I’m embarrassed for them and then turn back when they’re finished.

    I’ll keep my finger on the remote control as I watch Krissy do Whitney.

    *I don’t think she ready.


  8. Bet 5 she gone CRY during her performance and really and the media and bloggers n’such) gone tear her to shreds b/c of it.


  9. Omg I hardly ever log in I just love to read the comments but y’all almost made me choke to death! Toooooo funny!! Hey all Im new but not really I just dont post lol…


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