
“Some Words Of Wisdom From The Queen”

Not me but Queen Latifah, recently sat down with Sister2Sister magazine for an in-depth interview and discussed what make women sexy.

“I just like ladies who have class. Period,” she said, “and if it’s ‘T and A’ you’re sellin,’ that’s fine, as long as that’s what you’re selling. But you don’t have to show everything, you know?”

“You can hold some back and just be yourself and let your personality shine and let your individuality show. To me, that’s sexier. A confident woman is a sexy woman, in my opinion. And I think guys find that to be the same way.”

You don’t have to show everything; you don’t have to put it all out there to attract a guy. Because what kind of guy are you gonna attract? What is he really looking for? If you wanna be a booty call, I guess you can throw it all out there. But if you’re looking for a relationship with someone who respects you and respects things other than your body—your mind, your spirit, your personality, your smile—then you have to kind of exude that more so than just yo’ booty and yo’ titties.

I hope the Queen’s words of wisdom don’t fall on deaf ears, because some of these heifers today, leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. Some women have no concept of self-respect because the black community in general promotes disrespect in all areas, from our lifestyles to our art and music.

103 thoughts on ““Some Words Of Wisdom From The Queen””

  1. because some of these heifers today, leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. Some women have no concept of self-respect because the black community in general promotes disrespect in all areas, from our lifestyles to our art and music.

    🙂 “LMAO @ because some of these heifers today”

    Sooo true Tracy aka Blog Queen Diva, even doe I think I’m an exception becuz mama didn’t rasie no fool!!! Uh un….not here


  2. Big Dana looks good in that photo.

    PAGING Stevie Wonder…in re to ANYBODY can see she is gay. Why is this still a big deal.


    1. And for the record OMAR…she’s not coming out in this article She’s one of those women everyone knows or has in their family that’s been “single” forever but lives with, hangs out with their “best friend” that the grandmas and aunties talk about when she’s not around but it’s never actually confirmed lol… I’ve got a couple in mine


  3. I actually know a chick (she’s a big girl who used to have really low self-esteem) who has idolized the Queen for many years and she still doesn’t want to believe that she is gay…I think there may be others who don’t WANT to believe the obvious as well…


  4. for some reason i don’t think she’ll ever just come out and say “I’m gay.” i think she’ll just keep doin her & let ppl speculate (like we don’t already know) DO U Qwang, i lubs u!


    1. @Flo

      I agree, and I honestly could care less if she was gay. She appears to be gay for sure, but she doesn’t owe anyone any explanations about her lifestyle…if she EVER comes out I think it will be when she’s much older and pretty much settling down into the cooling off of her career. She knows that she’s black and that she’s a woman, so being a black gay woman could be bad for her money (in this world we live in). I respect her hustle and will continue to support her work…


    1. @Mrs,
      If she ever comes out (and who cares, really?) it’ll probably be on an Oprah or Barbara Walter special.


  5. But young ladies of today have no concept of self-respect because the black community in general promotes disrespect in all areas, from our lifestyles to our art and music.

    Well Stated Tracy!


  6. But young ladies of today have no concept of self-respect because the black community in general promotes disrespect in all areas, from our lifestyles to our art and music.

    you better preach BLOG Queen….Not the gay Queen but Blog Queen!!!!!~


  7. But young ladies of today have no concept of self-respect because the black community in general promotes disrespect in all areas, from our lifestyles to our art and music.

    Tra, I was just thinking about what you said about young ladies when we have college girls and military women posing for booty shots talking about they want to be “models” you know things have taken a turn in a whole other direction. They took their intelligence and respectablilty while aspiring to be like video hoes at the same time.

    It’s very interesting.


  8. Queen is rocking that Cover Girl make up Good advice from the queen and Tracy all hope is not lost on the younger generation.


  9. That’s all I’ve been trying to say & the Queen has spoken the truth!!! (Both Queens LOL)

    It doesn’t take showing you’re ASS to show that you are sexy, it’s more to that. I always say personality and confidence makes a beautiful woman but in today’s society your butt and titties is all one sees and don’t get me wrong you are suppose to dress to impress but showing to much only shows that you lack confidence and you need all eyes on you just to make you sure of yourself and that’s not a good look. just my opinion.


    1. I completely agree! Too many young women don’t think you can be sexy with clothes on. It’s so played out and boring to see all these “models” on the internet.


  10. i was just watching reruns of Living Single last night and i was like dang kadijah pulled all the dudes! Even had Cedric Ceballos (NBA player) fiendin for her 🙂


    1. @CORP!

      Hey there. I remember that episode of Living Single. Cedric kept laughing even when no jokes had been delivered.

      It was like he was thinking “Who goin to believe I’m dating this dude?”


      1. Wussup Man,

        she had all the athletes after her, dudes fightin over her (alonzo and scooter)

        as i was watching yesterday, i was like “ain’t no way” 🙂


      2. she had all the athletes after her, dudes fightin over her (alonzo and scooter)

        as i was watching yesterday, i was like “ain’t no way”


        Now that I think about it, all of em always had this smirk on their face on camera like “this chit is ridiculous! She couldn’t even be my maid.” 🙂

        Hmm… just thought about you in a maid outfit Corp.


      3. Now that I think about it, all of em always had this smirk on their face on camera like “this chit is ridiculous! She couldn’t even be my maid.”

        Well let’s be real here, I’ve always thought she had a very pretty face, and I personally know men that think Queen Latifah is a beautiful big chick, and there ARE a nice population of men who prefere larger women… so let’s be fair and balanced here….


      4. Felicia, I never thought Queen was ugly in the face. Although she been looking more and more mannish in the face in regular photos.

        But yes, you are correct. Just like there are some people allergic to water, there are some men that “prefer” larger women. I think for a lot of these guys, this “preference” originates due to a lack of other options.


      5. Me and ALOT of Cats I know aren’t Breast Men, NOT Having Huge Breast isn’t a deal-breaker BUT Mos Def must have THOSE Azz-n-Thighs (WORD)


  11. because some of these heifers today, leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. Some women have no concept of self-respect because the black community in general promotes disrespect in all areas, from our lifestyles to our art and music.

    LOL 🙂 That’s why I loves me some Tra….y’all remember when Cyrus Webb said “you’ll never see blog queen butt naked and dancing in a music video” LOL 🙂 hell naw!!!


  12. What she said is true as long as you’re not walking around 200+ pounds. Your mind, your spirit, your personality, your smile……. Throw all those things out the window if you’re fat. He probably will never take the time to get to know you.


      1. What she said is true as long as you’re not walking around 200+ pounds. Your mind, your spirit, your personality, your smile……. Throw all those things out the window if you’re fat. He probably will never take the time to get to know you.

        u must didn’t get the memo? quite a few men love plus-sized women dude 🙂


      2. What she said is true as long as you’re not walking around 200+ pounds. Your mind, your spirit, your personality, your smile……. Throw all those things out the window if you’re fat. He probably will never take the time to get to know you.

        Welp we see you like skinny chicks. Would you divorce someone if they got fat??


      3. u must didn’t get the memo? quite a few men love plus-sized women

        Wrong, that’s just the best that they could do. 😦 All things equal if they could get a woman with the curves of a Amber Rose or Ashanti they’d drop their fat woman in a heartbeat. 🙂


      4. Some people need to understand that ‘fat’ or ‘big’ doesn’t automatically equal out to ill-proportionate or ugly. My friend in college didn’t care for chicks under a size 12, but they also all had nice shapely curves and beautiful faces…

        Whatever, some folks just refuse to see things OUTSIDE the box…lol


      5. my friend is like 215 but she is a BRICKHOUSE u hear me?! tall, slim waist, and big butt/hips


      6. Welp we see you like skinny chicks. Would you divorce someone if they got fat??

        Why do black women always want to compare extremes to fat as if there is no other alternative? You know there is a lot of room between fat and skinny. Once a man is married he’s probably more willing to accept weight gained gradually over a period of time. At a minimum ladies. don’t gain weight until you have the man.


      7. @FeFe
        I KNOW Plenty of Guys who LUV Big-Gurls (Real…)

        One of my Close Friends during My first Rip thru college dubbed Himself the Fat-Ho Pimp and ALL of HIS Females had HUGE Tiddays, Long REAL Hair and Were Face-Wise considered NOT Just Pretty but Beautiful (NO Joke)


      8. I never said there were no men who want fat chicks. That’s a small percentage of men, ladies. Not the majority. There are men who have a fetish for all different types of women.


      9. You know what, let’s turn this shit around!!!!

        I’ll be fair…I’ve never been attracted to fat men, or even larger men…so sure, everyone has a PREFERENCE…but I don’t think that a chick who prefers bigger/fatter men has a “fetish”, I think she has an alternate “preference” to mine…


      10. Tamala,
        IONO As I get older, a bigger guy seems more appealing to me. I recall not being attracted to them yrs ago


      11. Hey Yasha,

        I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time. 🙂

        Now run tell that!!!!

        LOL 🙂


      12. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        came outta lurk mode to ask Trace who da fuck was/IS this?????????


      13. Ok Tracy Bell, clearly you know that WE wanna know WHO????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

        The fuck was he????????????????????




      14. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        okay Ms. Blog Queen you are def. tryin to change the mood up in dis bish!!!!

        I’m up now, what you got?


      15. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        Mm wonder who it is?


      16. wassup Trace, you just coinin ya comment to get us all ryled up!!!!

        damn who da nicca is, where u been?


      17. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        FeFe comin wit that nicca from Tra’s book in 5,4,3,2…..


      18. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        well how big was this monfucka? and how big do you like em Trace?


      19. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        dayummmmmmmmmm wonder what dat shit was like.


      20. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        @Tracy, was he big and fine or big and ugly? cause love tends to be BLIND boo.

        oh…you still love em. justaskin.


      21. Calm down people LOL!!! Let’s recap Tra’s comment: “I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.” sounds like these were her feelings of past 🙂 *cough* 🙂 *cough*

        Nothing new here to see ceo fam….so back to your mutual corners.


      22. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        FeFe comin wit that nicca from Tra’s book in 5,4,3,2…..

        @Man, His name is Cole, he was Sharpton’s bodygaurd and Tracy expressed many times in her book how big he was. get it right! (I rest my case)


      23. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        Now run tell that!!!!

        Ms. Bell, they gotta smell good and command respect! *snickers* Confidence is a muthaflucker….


      24. I’m wondering, what do most women out there consider too “fat” for a man. Cedric the Entertainer, CeeLo, Busta, Rick Ross, Big Papi (Red Sox Player)?


      25. @Tracy, you’s a SHIT STARTER you know that?



      26. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.

        Trace, who dat nigga is?


      27. I agree, I LOVE big men and was madly in love with one…I was attracted to his intellect and our level of cohesiveness at the time.




      28. @Tracy, you’s a SHIT STARTER you know that?

        hell starr, that’s what she do best 🙂 teehee hee


  13. First Ellen and now Latifah?

    Why does a cosmetics line have lesbians as their spokeswomen?

    Are there that many lipstick lesbians out there?


    1. First Ellen and now Latifah?

      Why does a cosmetics line have lesbians as their spokeswomen?

      Are there that many lipstick lesbians out there?

      LMAO 🙂 it would appear so!


  14. I’m just glad that she finally came out and is openly speaking about what she seeks in a woman as opposed to when a gay indivivdual feels compelled either via their songs or in interviews with the media (Luther Vandross, Missy Elliot–both two artists that I LOVE) to speak about straight relationships when they know good and got-damn well that they ain’t straight!

    Go King T-Go! 🙂


    1. It’s so funny to me that the faceless people have so much input on standards and expectations. Talking real big sitting behind that computer looking like ROCKY DENNIS in this muthafcka.


  15. Everything she said is the truth… unfortunately so many young girls don’t learn that they can be just as sexy if not more with clothes on ^_^


  16. Hello All
    “But young ladies of today have no concept of self-respect because the black community in general promotes disrespect in all areas, from our lifestyles to our art and music.” (Present company excluded!)

    Lord have mercy Jesus, couldn’t have said it better myself! The black community needs to get its act together before its to late. We pressing close. Peace.


  17. What’s attractive to the Lord is women who obey His commandments.

    Rom 1:22 Professing to be wise, they became fools,

    Rom 1:23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

    Rom 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them
    Rom 1:25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

    Rom 1:26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,

    Rom 1:27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

    Rom 1:28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,

    Rom 1:29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; {they are} gossips,

    Rom 1:30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,

    Rom 1:31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;

    Rom 1:32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.


    1. Bird,
      If u like your own sex then there is something wrong with you. Just like if you sleep with cows. It’s not illegal but biologically it makes zero sense. It should be considered a mental disease in my opinion so these people shouldn’t be mad if someone says you are sick.


  18. I think she can just live her life. She knows who she is and she does not have to make an announcement about her life. I wish more people particularly gay people would stop thinking they have to make a statement all the damn time. Just live your life.

    I also agree with her in the sense that you don’t have to do all of that. If a man is a attracted to you he is just attracted to you and you don’t need to show everything that is not meant for the whole world to see.


  19. What’s wrong with Booty & Tittays ???
    I LOVE me some Booty & Tittays !!!!

    James Brown Said:
    “Cause you got to use what you got. To get just what you want-a, hey huh” …

    James was RIGHT !
    MEN want a SEXXY WOMAN !!!

    We ain’t tryna have no meaningful conversations….

    Men LIKE to FUCK !!!
    and guess what..WOMEn like sex JUST AS MUCH as men do !!!
    ALL women don’t want to settle down.

    A LOT of Women want & APPRECIATE “Booty Calls” !!

    Latifah don’t know what the hell she’s talking about !!!


    1. Slick
      She knows that we already know that she’s a lesbian and who her partner is. She’s describing the type of lady that she’s attracted to but also telling straight women not to reveal so much to attract a guy.



  20. Hold up.. wasn’t Big Tif’ tryna get a room fulla females to lap dance and strip for her big ass a ways back? Anyways, it’s always funny when a bulldyke tries to give women advice on how to carry themselves. As if she’s ever felt like a lady..


    1. it’s always funny when a bulldyke

      wow i haven’t heard that term for a lesbo in a minute.


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