
“Wendy Williams And Romeo Miller – DWTS Rehearsals”

I’m so not into DWTS…but watched the show last week as my stylist Kimberly Bell Sanders did my hair and her husband James, entertained conversation and had me cracking up about Wendy Williams on the show.

The statuesque talk show host Wendy Williams and former rapper, Romeo Miller, were spotted leaving ‘Dancing With The Stars’ rehearsals today. Williams, 46, took to her Twitter page to urge her followers to watch her dance tonight. “They told me that me & Tony [Dovolani] dance FIRST!!,” she tweeted.

In the meantime, Romeo Miller (son of Rapper Master-P), 21, was seen leaving ‘Dancing With The Stars’ rehearsals in LA with a small boy earlier today. Other blogs are reporting that the boy is the son of his current girlfriend.

That boy is too cute and has too much going for himself, to be tied down with a girl who has children.

90 thoughts on ““Wendy Williams And Romeo Miller – DWTS Rehearsals””

  1. “….statuesque talk show host Wendy William….”

    Ummmm Tracy is this sarcasm?? I can think of a lot of adjectives to describe Wendy, but I wouldn’t say statuesque.


    1. big ass Wendy needs to stop playing, with that whole “look” I know its rehearsals but still..

      hey there @Q..


  2. “….statuesque talk show host Wendy William….”

    “L.A. Reid-with-a-wig-esque”


      1. statuesque??????

        I never thought of her as that, but ok. Well no I still don’t, but I loves me some Wendy.

        @Man yous a fool!


  3. “That boy is too cute and has too much going for himself, to be tied down with a girl who has children.”

    So we don’t think the boy could be one of his siblings? Don’t P got a whole slew of boys with like two female chiren mixed in? And don’t they all got some crazy names like Persius, Versius, Hersius? I am not making this up…I read this somewhere….


    1. So we don’t think the boy could be one of his siblings? Don’t P got a whole slew of boys with like two female chiren mixed in? And don’t they all got some crazy names like Persius, Versius, Hersius? I am not making this up…I read this somewhere….

      I was so shocked to hear P had chirruns outside his marraige. Like how did that stay a secret? I know the one daughter I was told was made by a side chick is Cynphonique (I know you don’t expect me to know how to spell that) and I could have sworn I’ve seen other children’s name with the ‘nique on the end. I could be wrong, but I do remember the similar name thing.


      1. WAIIIIIIT UN MOMENTO @Bird…you mean to tell me P got children NOT with his wife? Why I always thought them kids were HERS??? I read that they had like 6. it was joint interview. With HER in it. WHAT?

        That lil Cympho-chile you mentioned got some song Romeo is on..I saw the video one time and one time only on 106 since my daughter takes OVER with that show each and everyday…after that ONE DAY…their song got voted off the island.


      2. @ Bird

        vercy, mercy, veno, hercy, Intylyana, Tytyana, itali and Cymphonique. I must say the mom(s) had no say in naming the children


      3. *throws my computer out the window reading those names* coloreds make me sick i swear


      4. “Romeo has brothers named Vercy, Hercy and Mercy. Another brother, Veno, got off relatively easy considering the boy’s four sisters are named Intylyana, Tytyana, Itali and Cymphonique.”

        I like:



    1. Dear Wendell:
      There is a man in there!


  4. Other blogs are reporting that the boy is the son of his current girlfriend.

    That boy is too cute and has too much going for himself, to be tied down with a girl who has children.
    Why would Romeo be with some girlfriend’s child? Plus the child appears to be about 7 so is Romeo dating a cougar or some chick his age who had a baby when she was 14?

    I agree with you tho Tra.


  5. i can’t stand when ppl wear their hats like barely clinging onto their head. what’s the point of it then?


  6. Wendy don’t look that bad. I mean yeah, she’s taller than a mug but a least she ain’t tall and fat…I mean her stomach look like it’s in check…


    1. Wendy don’t look that bad. I mean yeah, she’s taller than a mug but a least she ain’t tall and fat…


      She’s not?? LOL. Well I guess she’s not fat…jus husky.


      1. @ SoldierBoy

        Nah, she ain’t fat. I mean if she were skinny being as tall as she is she’d look like a hongry ass crackhead for sure. I don’t think she looks bad.

        Yeah, her shoulders are broad, her nostrils open kinda wide and her facial features are a little strong…but all in all she a’ight


      2. “Yeah, her shoulders are broad, her nostrils open kinda wide and her facial features are a little strong…”

        Um, I hope you never come to my “defense.”


      3. @QUEEN
        “Yeah, her shoulders are broad, her nostrils open kinda wide and her facial features are a little strong…”

        …might as well mention that she has a penis too.”


      4. “might as well mention that she has a penis too.”

        @MAN, I only state facts. I knows nuthn about Wendy’s dyck or lack thereof


      5. I mean her stomach look like it’s in check…

        she had a tummy tuck and what else? i dont think thats doin too much.


      6. Wendy said she had Lipo,Tummy tucked and Breast implanted… 🙂 I think she looks good too to be in her mid 40’s…


      7. my grandma always said “keep your wig on straight & the girls in their zone”

        surgery or not wendy looks good

        #will switch to my soaps when the lunatic performs on DWTS


      8. I don’t like plastic surgery so I hope other than the weight loss surgery that she doen’t try to fix up her old car.


      9. Im confused…what picture are yall seeing of Wendy?? Where does she look good? When does she look good? How does she look good? 46 isnt that old. And I know a WHOLE lot of 50 year women who look DAMN good. Wendy is really unfortunate looking.

        And her kness are doing something to me.


  7. That Romeo is scrumpdelioumpsious. Mmmm mmm mmm.

    As for Wendy. SHE CAN’T DANCE but I still love her big bird looking @$$. LOL


    1. SHE CAN’T DANCE but I still love her big bird looking @$$.

      LMAO!!!! she sure can’t dance, poor chile has no rythm and she call herself black.


      1. That Romeo is scrumpdelioumpsious. Mmmm mmm mmm.
        Those Lips are giving me thoughts as well… how was your weekend?


      2. @RANDOM
        “Those Lips are giving me thoughts as well… ”

        Luscious is curious as to exactly what sort of thoughts you are having.


      3. Those Lips are giving me thoughts as well… how was your weekend?
        Care to share those thoughts
        I didnt have a good weekend but nothin i care to talk about


      4. That Romeo is scrumpdelioumpsious. Mmmm mmm mmm.


  8. Please please please…can someone tell Lil Romeo to pull that dang beanie down on his head…walking around looking like a baby penis…


    1. “can someone tell Lil Romeo to pull that dang beanie down on his head…walking around looking like a baby penis…”

      You bout to make me stop wearing beanies.


      1. @Man…you can wear them, especially if its cold out, but just remember to pull it down over the ears…And please. In southern Cali right now from where these people practice for dancing with the “sometime” stars, it is NOT that cold out there.


  9. I’m pretty sure that’s one of Romeo’s many siblings. And Wendy, well she looks like *USUAL UGLY* self.


  10. I still like Wendy she had to get out of her own way and take a new road to achieve her goal of having her own TV show so she still ok w/me she is still messy just in a different more PC way. Get that paper Wendy 🙂


  11. Wendy said she always wanted to wear shorts like that. I am impatientlyn waiting for her not to ever wear them again.

    Still #teamwendy though! lol


  12. I think Wendell would look so much better if he reduced his breasts and stopped wearin those D-R-E-A-D-F-U-L wings!


  13. “….statuesque talk show host Wendy William….”

    You kids today are so disrespectful of your elders. Ms. Williams is tall and dignified, therefore she fits the description of “statuesque” to a T., with her ugly ass.


    1. Good-Afternoon PEEPS ROLL CALL AND who is in here

      erbody left once you got here!!! lol


    1. HELLO OMAR… Wendys body is fake… are you in to plastic and prosthetics?

      Anyhoo, why does it seem like she is bigger than normal size people, and I bet when she walks she tips the rickter scale


  14. Wendy looking like ‘Throw-back-Wendy’ when she made an appearance on the Martin Lawrence show back in the day!


  15. Hello All. Black women, for the record. I did a Google search this morning and I typed: Black women are. What I love about Google is that they automatically list 5 examples instantly, usually the most popular terms among Google users. Well, Google filled in the blank with the following:

    Black women are single
    Black women are mean
    Black women are unattractive
    Black women are annoying
    Black women are gold diggers

    What ever happened to : Strong, Hard-working, lovable, giving and Sexy?


    1. Googled “Black Men are” and got…..

      Black Men are losers
      Black men are gross <——–LMFAOOOOOOOOOO
      Black Men are lazy <—assumed this would be #1
      Black Men are better <—this has to be talkin about sex
      Black Men are annoying


      1. Googled “Black Men are” and got…..

        Black Men are losers
        Black men are gross <——–LMFAOOOOOOOOOO
        Black Men are lazy <—assumed this would be #1
        Black Men are better <—this has to be talkin about sex
        Black Men are annoying

        Google is the devil.


      2. So then I Googled “White Men Are”……

        White Men are…
        White Men aren’t…..
        White Men are the best
        White Men are discriminated against

        LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo…..please tell me this a joke…


      3. Google is funny white men are discriminated against that was my comedy for the day. Funny they not overpopulating jails but I digress


      4. If you google “white women have bad attitudes” it’ll say “do you mean black women have attitudes” I did that about a year and a half ago…..


      5. If you google “white women have bad attitudes” it’ll say “do you mean black women have attitudes”
        That is funny.


    1. Wendy looks like she hunts for her food with nothing but a large rock………


      🙂 so true!


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