
“Wendy Williams ‘Goes In’ On Chris Brown”

We have heard about the Chris Brown GMA rage all week and personally, I think people need to let it go!!!!! But my loyal “ceo blog-reader” Yasha Lynn, will not be satisfied until I add my two cents about Wendy Williams comments following.

Wendy Williams was wrong for calling Chris Brown a dummy, in my opinion he’s immature, human and like the rest of us, make mistakes. The “loud mouth” talk show host did say one thing that I totally agree with though:

“Your rage was uncalled for. Robin was right to ask you about Rihanna. You will get asked that question from now until the end of time… and you’d better figure out a politically and mature way of answering it!”

Here’s Chris Brown’s response to Wendy on his Twitter page:

75 thoughts on ““Wendy Williams ‘Goes In’ On Chris Brown””

  1. *Dead* 😦 at her asking why everything on him was manly and his arm are girly!!! Wendy… Wendy… Wendy…


  2. Wendy you look like a man but I bet ur inner parts are female….


    Wait she is right about one part tho…

    “You will get asked that question from now until the end of time… and you’d better figure out a politically and mature way of answering it!”

    This I have to cosign!!!


    1. Wendy you look like a man but I bet ur inner parts are female

      You took the words right out of my mouth.

      She can’t talk about nobody looking how she looking.


  3. Wendy, honey drop, everything about you looks manly.
    were you trying to get tips on how to get feminine arms? 😦


    1. Wendy, honey drop, everything about you looks manly.
      were you trying to get tips on how to get feminine arms?



  4. How mature was it of her to throw out a diss about how his arms look 🙂 Yeah ok Wendy, you probably made cuz he wouldn’t *FUCK* you or give your show the time of day 🙂


  5. Right or wrong, does Wendy pee standing up. And does Wendy really think that Lindsey Lohan is a good example of how to handle the media


  6. OMG…..please let this shit go. *NEWFLASH* there aren’t many celebs that are stable. He’s no more unstable and immature then any of these other celebs. And the chick he had a fight with has let it go. So ppl..LET IT GO

    And Wendy really?? Smh…It kills me how you’re suppose to be showing your maturity by talkin about his girly arms….Im done


  7. I’m so tired of looking at that blonde hair and that tattoo. and up his nostrils too.

    On another note Wendy has a lot of nerve.


  8. And I dont wanna hear that he’ll get asked this until the end of times. When the world stops caring, which it soon will, ppl will stop asking. Jus like they do all the other celebs.


  9. Goooooooooooooooot Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!!

    If I see ONE MORE post about CB I’m gonna scream!!!!!

    Surely there is more news out there SOMEWHERE!

    Hell, I’d rather you talk about Obama than THIS…


  10. Chris, if you read this blog, surely give Wendy your girly arm secrets.
    because hers look like she spends her free time wrangling bears.



  11. Ahhhh The INTERVIEWERS don’t have A RIGHT to ask about someone’s PERSONAL BUSINESS and ANYONE who believes that BULL-SHYT is FULL OF SHYT

    ANY Questions regarding Rhi-Rhi should be answered with “NO COMMENT”… Every F-ing Time, Just SAY NO COMMENT

    I don’t have a problem with Wendy saying what she WANTS TO SAY (Real…) But HER Viewpoint on the Rihanna Situation/Questioning is STR8 Bull-SHYT


    1. Ahhhh The INTERVIEWERS don’t have A RIGHT to ask about someone’s PERSONAL BUSINESS and ANYONE who believes that BULL-SHYT is FULL OF SHYT

      ANY Questions regarding Rhi-Rhi should be answered with “NO COMMENT”… Every F-ing Time, Just SAY NO COMMENT

      I don’t have a problem with Wendy saying what she WANTS TO SAY (Real…) But HER Viewpoint on the Rihanna Situation/Questioning is STR8 Bull-SHYT



  12. Thats right Wendy 🙂 He needs to grow up and stop acting like a damm baby. Ok…I am Done with Chris Brown. Lets move on!


  13. Awww Wendell I used to like you but after seeing your show yesterday and seeing how full of yourself you are… I no longer do – but I love how Breezy responded..

    Wendell is a rude outspoken show host who really need to freshen up her etiquette and being dainty like a lady skills


      1. Another CB post
        Come on now you can’t be shocked this has been BREEZY WEEK –

        Morning people

        Side note: Don’t start no shit @STARR!!!!


      2. Steps in with one finger raised in the air *WHERE’S MS. YASHA LYNN??? Umm…..for real?!? Another CB post?!?

        Good morning all.


      3. Side note: Don’t start no shit @STARR!!!!

        Won’t start none if it don’t be nun


  14. Bitch please everything about you is manly besides those over sized ass basketballs u carrying on your chest.

    And don’t you get mad when mofo’s keep asking were u born a man or about your fugly ass husband sexually assualting employees. AND BITCH didnt your husband beat the fuckk outta you. Is that why you mad???

    On a side note: I do agree with most of what you said tho 🙂


  15. Wonder how Wendy would feel if folks suddenly started to remember that she used to*SNORT COCAINE*and started asking her about it.

    *I don’t forget SHIT.


  16. he or his management team should be smart enough to know that he has an opportunity to rebuild his image to be better than ever.. ALL the public wants is for him to admit he had a problem, addressed and resoved it, and is now advocating for people going through domestic violent situations… donate some money to a few organizations.. when asked about it, do get angey, but use that opportunity to show the public what a better person he’s become ( in theory-LOL).. he could have said something like, yes, that incident took alot from me and I feel extremely remorseful, Ive made admends to forgive myself and have push forward with bettering my life, Ive also dedicated a lot of time to the youth by speaking out against what I did and showing them that you can change…blah blah blah.. if he wouldve kept saying positive crap like that, she would have stopped asking him, because that’s not the reaction she’d have wanted… He needs a media coach and better management. …


  17. I like Wendy’s show cause she’s crazy in a fun way but why do people need to kick somebody when they are down. Like I said in the other post why are people more upset about the window being broke than the Rihanna incident. She sure didn’t mind having him on her show to help boost her ratings not to soon after the incident with Ri last year. #justsayin


    1. @Pink
      I’ve noticed Wendell is not as humble.. like the other day she told a audience member to pls shut up and stop shouting or that audience wouldn’t get the day’s free gift 1) Bitch who are telling to SHUT UP 2) Bitch you need your audience and 3) fuck you and your free gifts plus I had been noticing other lil digs like when JHUD was on there, she was like.. oh audience it’s true I hugged JHUD and I was feeling for spanx but she doesn’t wear them WTF bitch you are wrapped in plaster!


      1. I’ve noticed Wendell is not as humble.. like the other day she told a audience member to pls shut up and stop shouting or that audience wouldn’t get the day’s free gift 1) Bitch who are telling to SHUT UP 2) Bitch you need your audience and 3) fuck you and your free gifts plus I had been noticing other lil digs like when JHUD was on there, she was like.. oh audience it’s true I hugged JHUD and I was feeling for spanx but she doesn’t wear them WTF bitch you are wrapped in plaster!

        I saw that too. The woman she said that to had an embarassed look the rest of the show. Maybe because she booked Aretha over Oprah (that was a rumor I heard) her ego is getting big. Also I saw a blind item on another site about a talk show host that was at first told to tone down their act but to boost the ratings was told to go back to being over outspoken or whatever, most guessed it was Wendy.


      2. @Pink
        Oh okay well the bitch is RUDE not outspoken that will surely loose a lot of her audience what did you think about the lil slick digs she was making at JHUD did you catch any of them Im not liking this Wendell


      3. Oh okay well the bitch is RUDE not outspoken that will surely loose a lot of her audience what did you think about the lil slick digs she was making at JHUD did you catch any of them Im not liking this Wendell

        Yep she goes too far a lot of times. I saw that part with Jhud it was rude but she acts like that so much especially lately like you said. Like she’ll ask if they are wearing a wig, how much weight they lost/gained, if they had surgery etc. It has to be uncomfortable for the guests. She says Howard Stern is her mentor or something so she tries to be outrageous like him I think.


      4. @Pink
        Unfortunately I think she will lose if she keep that up cuz my daughter and I won’t watch her anymore and she musn’t forget that MONIQUE is ONLY LOUD as heyul but pleasant/respectful to her guest – I could easily switch it up.. feel me .. 🙂


      5. @Pink
        Unfortunately I think she will lose if she keep that up cuz my daughter and I won’t watch her anymore and she musn’t forget that MONIQUE is ONLY LOUD as heyul but pleasant/respectful to her guest – I could easily switch it up.. feel me ..

        The network told Wendell Williams she had to tone it down. Its kinda like she was a token. I mean we all laughed when they said she was getting a show. She used to be known for having a coke habit, cheating husband, no celebs liked her at all.


      6. most transexuals are rude and belligerent

        At KEE, I agree with the constructive things she has said but WENDY IS GETTING FOUL AGAIN ME NO LIKEY!


      7. @ coco
        most transexuals are rude and belligerent

        Thats b/c they nutz be bigger than they titties


      8. @Dovey
        ION I’ll give her a chance later show will probably be cancelled by then I told my daughter when I heard how she was doing ppl on the show that day that I didn’t think her show would be back next year


      9. Unfortunately I think she will lose if she keep that up cuz my daughter and I won’t watch her anymore and she musn’t forget that MONIQUE is ONLY LOUD as heyul but pleasant/respectful to her guest – I could easily switch it up.. feel me ..

        Yep, this strategy might backfire because they wanted to do it to boost the ratings. Monique is pretty much the exact opposite of Wendy. I watch them both but Monique is so nice and has so many good guests.


  18. LOL..I see now He didnt just beat up rihana he beat up every women, and therefore he has to apologize to everyone. I get it now, then they wonder why the boy is still angry i’d kick a damn chair too if everyday someone I dont know hates me for something I didnt do to them and regaurdless of my guilty plea, my five years probation and loss of countless millions and my reputation, I’m still not sorry enough.


    1. LOL..I see now He didnt just beat up rihana he beat up every women, and therefore he has to apologize to everyone. I get it now, then they wonder why the boy is still angry i’d kick a damn chair too if everyday someone I dont know hates me for something I didnt do to them and regaurdless of my guilty plea, my five years probation and loss of countless millions and my reputation, I’m still not sorry enough.



  19. 😦 Wendy’s not out for CB’s blood, she goes in on lots of people, I guess it’s only okay for certain celebs though.


  20. I know somebody at that studio whipped out a smartphone & caught audio of this boy’s immature behavior, specifically when he was in there calling Robin a black bitch


  21. How ironic is it that Wendy would comment about someone looking like the opposite gender?


    STFU Wendy
    We know, we know, chris needs to grow up, blah blah blah…worry about your own son


  22. I agree with Wendy. His PR team is shit! They should have prepped his dumb aSS with an appropriate/politically correct response to the Rihanna question TWO years ago.

    He’s paying people to prevent these type of PR nightmares… WHY is he STILL able to get on Twitter and fuck up his fuck ups?



  23. Yes, the media does have a right to ask any question. As a journalist, you are bound to the rules of ethical journalism. Allowing a guest to pick and choose what questions are asked is unethical. Unfortunately, news media and journalists are allowing this to happen more and more. (Who am I kidding, this stuff goes on all the time and it’s been that way for decades) And Chris Brown is a public figure and therefore, will be asked questions about his personal life. Too bad, so sad. Like Wendy said, had he been prepared he would have answered the question in a more mature manner. He was stumbling over his words b/c he let his emotions get to him. He should never feel caught off guard with questions like that. It should be expected considering how the whole incident with the alien made international headlines. Either he deals with it or he gets out of the business. The question gets asked, you don’t have to answer. And his handlers should get the blame for half of this mess. How in the heck is it two years later and he’s still making stupid statements and behaving the way he does? GET NEW PR PEOPLE!!!! Take a public relations class, something! I do think Ms. Roberts could have moved on to the next question but come one, it’s GMA. They’re going to ask the questions and it’s not Ms. Roberts making the sole decision on what gets asked. Believe that! Okay end rant. I’m a journalist so this one is close to my heart. Back to lurking in my corner. Thank You… and keep making me laugh on the daily. I need comic relief in a business like this!


  24. I love Wendy to pieces!!! She told the truth! Chris Brown is lucky he even got a crack at a second chance and has the nerve to go throwing chairs threw windows?? That was so uncalled for. If I were head of GMA, he wouldn’t come back and if he did, his beind will be picking up the glass from the window he broke AND I WOULD TELEVISE THE CLEAN UP! LOL! cause there is NO EXCUSE for that! Get it together CB!


  25. It cracks me how ppl love to judge folks, like your phucking time ain’t coming soon. And Wendy Williams have the nerve to say anyone disgust her. Was she disgusted when her husband was basically trying to force one of Wendy’s assistance to screw him and threatening her with her job if she doesn’t????? WHAT DID WENDY DO ABOUT IT WHEN THE GIRL CONFRONTED HER ABOUT WHAT WAS GOING ON????? NOTHING except for say maybe she should consider it. Man-Man needs to shut up and sit down and learn some new makeup tricks from her fellow transsexuals!


  26. *Singing Arrested Development*

    “Mr. Wenndalll….Mr. Wennndaaalll heeeeyyyy!

    Dear Mr. Wendall Williams. You haven’t the right Sir, to question the femininity of any person, place, or thing when YOU Sir, appear to be a mutant.


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