Love & Marriage, Love & Relationships, Relationships

Newsflash….Thee exact same Reason Women don’t marry!

I saw this post by Keishorne Scott the other day on IG, as to why men don’t marry?

You are all familiar with Scott who has been a featured guest on “Conversations Of A Sistah“. Well I must take the relationship guru to task and beg to differ a bit because you have some single women who feel the exact same way. In that there is nothing in marrying for them accept to become a man’s house servant, baby maker, porn star and/or waitress.

So what exactly does marriage offer women today? Because I know some women who have lost themselves after they marry, let alone their freedom.

So……the exact can be said about why some women choose to remain single.

The women of today are educated, independent and accomplished and cautious about who they settle with as a mate. Some women are unmarried because there are several factors that come into play concerning what they would have to give up for taking on a partner in holy matrimony. The more women accomplish, the less likely they are inclined to settle for someone who could potentially ruin all they’ve built and acquired financially.

Women are just as cautious concerning entering into a legal contract with someone who could potentially slaughter all that they’ve worked hard for and gained.

Women aren’t wimping out either, they are being just as smart as men when it comes down to entering into the legal contract of marriage, especially since both sexes can have a hidden agenda.

40 thoughts on “Newsflash….Thee exact same Reason Women don’t marry!”

      1. Newsflash it is.
        Basically, a contract is an agreement between two or more persons signifying that all signing parties will do something. Legally, marriage is a contract with certain rights and responsibilities, but we must distinguish between legal marriage and covenant marriage. In a legal marriage, if one party doesn’t live up to the contracts, then legal actions force him or her to do so or to end the marriage with an equitable settlement. A society couldn’t exist without laws regulating marriage relationships.

        This is why after the wedding the bride and the groom sign papers and get blood tests all in the laws of that state and a what? CONTRACT!!!

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      2. You know a lot of people don’t know that? They see marriage blindly until divorce court. That’s why I love that episode of a different world when Dianne Carol who plays Whitley’s mom tell her “Your father promised me the world before we got married but it was the judge who gave it to me when we divorced” That’s bees soo real.


    1. Good afternoon.
      I agree with Tracy marriage is a contract. Each partner should know what to expect b4 marriage. If there are any different ideologies between them, this should be known before hand.

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    2. Good afternoon.
      @Applebottom, I can only speak for me. I’m crazy in love with my man of 2 years and while we cant predict the “ifs” in our future, we’re both willing to take the chance. what’s beneficial about marrying him to me is, he always have my back. It’s assuring to know that i can always count on him and him on me. always

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  1. It’s hard nowadays Trace and you’re absolutely correct the more you acquire the harder it is to trust real intentions in a relationship.

    All things said, I think when a man settles and if he’s in love those are all things he’ll willingly give up.


  2. Palease!!!!
    Men benefit from marriage more than women🙄 are you fucking kidding me? Unless the partnership is equal it will always be unbalanced mentally emotionally and financially


  3. It is man’s innate ability to be the provider. So he is automatically willing to share. Share his wealth and financial accomplishments. When he is ready to do that then he more than willing to take on her as a mate.


  4. Well I must take the relationship guru to task and beg to differ a bit because you have some single women who feel the exact same way. In that there is nothing in marrying for them accept to become a man’s house servant, baby maker, porn star and/or waitress.
    LMMFAO🤣🤣🤣 at porn star. Wow.


  5. Some people don’t look at marriage as a business deal because they’re ❤heart is in it. But when they get duped and taken to the bank. Of course the game changes. Fall in love fellas and take your common sense with you.


  6. I don’t give a shit about things as long as she prove to me that I can trust her with my money that is all that will count…when you can trust her she’ll do right by everything else


  7. Women aren’t wimping out either, they are being just as smart as men when it comes down to entering into the legal contract of marriage, especially since both sexes can have a hidden agenda.
    Whoooo…wee… thank you!!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👍👌🙌


  8. Sorry Dr. Helen Smith I disagree with you and Keishorne Scott for cosigning on this BS. Smart men are selective with whom they marry


  9. Many conversations in marriage are motivated to get something. ad unless a woman is getting something she’s not motivated to marry.


  10. what happened to being motivated to marry because you LOVE? I wanna be in love but at the same time not taken for a ride financially. This is not just an issue for men.

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    1. Love plays a big part in all of this because no one wants a loveless marriage. The key point here is to view marriage from a business standpoint.

      When you do this, you are able to put your love aside and be matter of fact and honest about everything else.

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  11. Not for nothing but half the pension, savings and property could be gone without the marital partner doing any of it. Shit happens in life. Suppose the woman wind up taking care of her man? suppose he becomes disable? Unemployed? Then what? The tables can turn really fast people. There are so many other factors that should be considered. Not all men think marriage is not beneficial, especially if they marry up.

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    1. so true. when my cousins husband lost his job, he decided to go back to school while she carried the house for 2 years. after that, homeboy had to get a job but because he was flipping houses in the meantime, they were alright.

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  12. C’mon now, I can honestly say that we entered marriage motivated by the deep desire to benefit the person we were about to marry. Our intention was to make them happy. However, when needs aren’t met, spouses can revert to a contract mentality.

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  13. There is absolutely no foolproof plan for a successful marriage. Everyone is different, as is every relationship. But, knowing each other’s expectations of a marriage from the very beginning is key. And Trace this women lying. men are committing.

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  14. A public oath must be taken for a marriage to be entered. Marriage does not rest within the criteria of a contract but rather that of a covenant. … The covenant of marriage is different in that it is cut between three parties, namely a man, a woman, and God.

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  15. Ok I see y’all off into marriage and contracts without getting to the nitty gritty of this post. O_o

    So what exactly does marriage offer women today? Because I know some women who have lost themselves after they marry, let alone their freedom.

    Yes Tracy Yes!!!! Because freedom is something we might achieve through education, careers and thus financial independence. With women having more equal opportunities and abilities in every sphere of life, the percentage of US choosing to value and defend their freedom is steadily on the rise, which is why we see no need to marry. Now I love my man but just not rushing to tie the knot. If that makes sense.

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    1. Don’t get me wrong, I have a man but I like sending him home when I get ready and having my bed and my apartment to myself. The freedom of coming and going as I please is the best. I make my own rules and have no one to answer too. and the longer i’m single, the stronger I feel.

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  16. After a long intimate relationship, when it culminates in a breakup due to betrayal or parental disapproval, women find it difficult to open their heart to another intimate relationship, thus opting to remain single. It’s not worth it.

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  17. For me, marriage means you’re ready to share and I’d rather NOT share my hard earned cash. Shoot……relationships become 50/50 and suddenly you have to watch your spending for the sake of your partnership. and I’m not ready to give up my frivolous spending of my hard earned cash for the future of a relationship. Tracy is El Correcto, women feel thee exact same way.

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  18. Ion know it’s like a brother be tryna choke hold a sistah. 😆 my man be texting me and calling me when I’m out imagine when i marry him O_o sheesh. so yea we women give up our freedom too, it’s def a 2way street.

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    So I don’t need to commit myself to anyone else because I’ve got something really awesome going on with my damn self. I can count on myself, provide for myself, and can make myself orgasm like no one else out there. So I’ve basically got it made and plan on keeping things this awesome for as long as I possibly can.

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  20. “Women aren’t wimping out either, they are being just as smart as men when it comes down to entering into the legal contract of marriage, especially since both sexes can have a hidden agenda.”


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