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“Racism and this 2016 Election” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

untitledFears of heightened bigotry and hate crimes have turned into reality for some Americans after Donald Trump’s presidential win on Tuesday November 8th. And the list of incidents keeps growing.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, they’ve counted more than 300 cases of hateful harassment or intimidation in the U.S. since Election Day. “They’ve been everywhere — in schools, in places of business, in stores like Walmart and on the street,” SPLC President Richard Cohen said Monday.

While Trump has been accused of fostering xenophobia, hate, racism and Islamophobia, some people have used his words as justification to carry out hateful crimes. In recent days we have witnessed ugly episodes of racist or anti-Semitic pro-Trump graffiti along with threats or attacks against Muslims.

img_3449Join me tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via blog talk radio with my special guest, who is no stranger to this blog, Republican Commissioner of the Passaic County Board of Elections, Mike Ramaglia (pictured left), as we discuss racism and its role in this election.

All “Conversation links” in this email make it possible to access the show.

In the meantime, sound off here and meet me on the air.

50 thoughts on ““Racism and this 2016 Election” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. White people can count on black envy, jealousy, and hatred to assist and maintain racism. And black folks boo hooing over Hillary and Trump when black communities are destroying themselves.
    Obama, Hillary, and Trump will not bring change because change starts within.


  2. Why don’t the Black Republicans publically take a stand with a news conference and let sexual predator President elect Donald know they don’t let the appointment of known racist Bannon as his Chief Strategist. They are skurred to say a word because massa might put them off the plantation. Omarosa doesn’t have a job yet and Dr. Ben Carson is off the Trump train wreck. O_o


  3. So Mike voted for a SEXUAL PREDATOR?? A Republican Racist? And someone who has been a Republican for 18 months and said the Republican party was stupid. Yep he proved them right because they voted him in 😆 Yeah Trace ask him about that. O_o


      1. Good point but I’m not sure Trump is gonna make it in, I really don’t think he want the job truthfully.
        I agree


    1. how are we to heal? When we been killed in the streets?
      Good point, a lot of us are still reeling over Trayvon Martin but I’m not sure how we get healing for any of it.


  4. Best line of the night —-> “Healing is needed across both sides of the aisles”…@Mike Ramaglia on Conversations Of A Sistah


  5. Tracy I’m sorry but Mike missed the Mark with me.

    How can we heal when he has the support from white nationalists and Neo Nazis?

    Why did Trump deem it necessary to hire Steve Bannon a known wife beating anti-Semite and alt-righter?

    Just the other day somebody was handing out KKK fliers on the campus of Mississippi State University.

    Sorry Mike but your head is stuck in the sand if you want to continue to live in denial about the racism that Trump’s candidacy has made acceptable not here!!!


    1. I’m not really a beach guy. However, I do stand firmly against racism, hate and everything in between.

      So I’m not proud of either candidates behavior, it was and is troubling as they created a mess that we have to fix.

      I’m ready to work for that change, are you?


  6. Name one black person that has been appointed to Trump’s cabinet.
    Playing music now waiting on answer and making a sandwich. Trump has been a 99% Democrat all of his life and turned into a 1% Republican until he ran for office. He kept his money and didn’t pay taxes during a Democratic presidency. He didn’t get rich when a Republican was in office. Suckers.


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