Conversations Of A Sistah, New Movie Release, What she said

Do you remember the book “Side Piece Chronicles?”

Side Piece Chronicles_1The novel written by the talented Joi Miner

Miner was a guest on “Conversations Of A Sistah” back in November/2015., wherein the rules were introduced in side piece relationships. Well I was able to go beyond the title and into her story and sultry tale of adultery, deception, betrayal, sex, threesome sex and more sex.

My mind was so blown away while reading the torrid details of each and every sexual encounter, from one character to the other; it left me shaking my head and shocked by the details. The book is so stifling, it’ll leave you praying that the stories aren’t real, for the sake of deception and sex not running that deep and ever so grimy; amongst those in relationships and love triangles.

There are several scenarios to keep up with and many characters to follow but if sex, deception and mistrust is your cocktail of tales, then “Side Piece Chronicles” will be an exciting read for you!!

Now tell me how many of my readers and followers ordered this book? Miner is about to release the sequel, so let’s prepare ourselves for part 2 of where we left off from the beginning.

6 thoughts on “Do you remember the book “Side Piece Chronicles?””

  1. Nope didn’t get the book. Why? Cause I don’t need a scenario or stories on side piece Ho’s dealt with too many of them in my relationships.


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