CEO's Blog, Conversations Of A Sistah, Fan mail

Conversations Of A Sistah is cancelled just for tonight!


Tonight’s show segment of “Conversations Of A Sistah” on “Conversations Live” is cancelled tonight due to the fact that our host, Ms. Tracy L. Bell is under the weather.

We hope you will join us next week at our regularly scheduled day and time, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM as Tracy will kick off Black History month.

She will still continue to bring you the stories that you love to talk about.

Have a great day!

114 thoughts on “Conversations Of A Sistah is cancelled just for tonight!”



      1. I emailed Tracy n told her to let me know if she need anything.
        @Felicia, and if she does need anything how the hell is she gonna get it from us? some of us live miles away from this chile so how in the sam hell can we help her. stop kissing that girl’s ass and get a damn grip!!!!

        Helloer everybody


  2. Oh wow….I don’t know why I think Tracy’s unstoppable…but this is my wake call that my gurl’s only human…Feel better Tra


  3. ok this is the ole okie doke….tracy is more than under the weather if she cancelled tonights show. being sick is one thing but she could still use her mouth to kick it.


    1. ok this is the ole okie doke….tracy is more than under the weather if she cancelled tonights show. being sick is one thing but she could still use her mouth to kick it.
      you sounding real selfish BBallen. Maybe she lost her voice and just maybe she don’t wanna be on the air coughing and sneezing. Nobody wants to perform when they’re not their best!!!


      1. bballen, you sound real selfish as hell. if I was sick I wouldn’t wanna talk to nobody. and i’m sure you’d be the same way.


      2. Yeah I am selfish….missed the show and was pissed about it.
        There’s several on the RECAP that you could listen too.


  4. Tonight’s show segment of “Conversations Of A Sistah” on “Conversations Live” is cancelled tonight due to the fact that our host, Ms. Tracy L. Bell is under the weather.

    We hope you will join us next week at our regularly scheduled day and time, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM as Tracy will kick off Black History month.

    She will still continue to bring you the stories that you love to talk about.

    Have a great day!

    Translation: Let me warn these niggaz now that tonights show is cancelled so they don’t flip the fuck out when trace don’t come live at 8:00. she sick yeah, but let’s just tell these niggaz enuff so they don’t start asking a bunch a damn questions. Have a great day, as in…don’t ask us shit!!!

    Feel better Trace I’m going to miss hearing your voice 2night. 🙂


      1. It’s common courtesy to let the listeners and her CEO community know that there will ne no show. But your comment is still funny Slick. :laugh:


    1. On my way to Jersey to take Tra some chicken noodle soup…I’ll let y’all know how she doin when I get back.
      Me thinks you liein + trippin, NO I know you R because Tracy don’t eat chicken fool


  5. Tracy take whatever meds your doctor gave you. drink your tea n honey and do whatever you have to do to return to C.O.S. next week. 🙂 Feel better


    1. Thanks for telling us Trace all at the last minute.
      No fool this posted been posted since about 11:00 this morning.


    1. Since there is no show tonight what we gon talk about y’all.
      Starter Wives last night and from what I saw, I won’t watch it ever again!!


      1. Ebony,
        And why was DMX wife dogging him out so bad. I was sooo mad! Like bish, not a damn soul would know who you were if it was not for DMX


      2. Ugh and Manio’s bm is a hot mess, and the one who used to be married to Lammar Odem needs to have several seats. Child please.


  6. Didn’t really come here for the link to the show I usually come afterwards to comment. I have conversations live saved on my favorites. I was disappointed that there was NO SHOW tonight thou. sorry to hear Tracy’s sick. Hope she’s feeling better soon. according to her administrator Carolyn, Trace has no voice. 😥 feel better soon Ms. Bell


  7. Conversations of a Sistah was cancelled last night cuzz Trace was sick. Her girl Carolyn said she had no voice…Trace couldn’t talk…Damn imagine not being able to talk when you do dat shit for a living? I told Carolyn I hope she feels better so she can be up n running next week.


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